Sunday, May 6, 2012

1 Year Give Away

...Drum roll please...

And the winner is:


Congratulations Michelle!
I will confirm mailing information with you and send the gift along soon.
Thank you to everyone who left a comment here and who comes by to read my blog.

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012


Ms. said...

Ungodly hour--I wake and wander awhile before dropping back down to bed to sleep a few hours more, so I check in to see what's going on here--and EEEEEEEEeeeeeeee (as Grace would say)--I find I've won a jackpot surprise from you! Well, don't that just beat all! Nice way to hit the skids of a Monday. I'm going to send and email right now. THANKS:-)

jenclair said...

Congratulations to Michelle!

lynda Howells said...

congrats to Michellex

Peggy said...

Nancy, I've been out of the loop so didn't get to enter your giveaway. But congratulations to you for your one-year anniversary and I'll get in on the two-year giveaway! xo

deanna7trees said...

oh so happy for michelle. wonderful.

Janet said...

Congrads to Michelle!

Really nice heart and weaving. She will love it!

Nancy said...

Yes! Congrats to Michelle!

Also, Peggy~ Thank you! I missed your voice on that post :)

jude said...

well, yay!

Nancy said...

Jude~ And a Yippee too!