And the winner is:
Congratulations Michelle!
I will confirm mailing information with you and send the gift along soon.Thank you to everyone who left a comment here and who comes by to read my blog.
Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012
Ungodly hour--I wake and wander awhile before dropping back down to bed to sleep a few hours more, so I check in to see what's going on here--and EEEEEEEEeeeeeeee (as Grace would say)--I find I've won a jackpot surprise from you! Well, don't that just beat all! Nice way to hit the skids of a Monday. I'm going to send and email right now. THANKS:-)
Congratulations to Michelle!
congrats to Michellex
Nancy, I've been out of the loop so didn't get to enter your giveaway. But congratulations to you for your one-year anniversary and I'll get in on the two-year giveaway! xo
oh so happy for michelle. wonderful.
Congrads to Michelle!
Really nice heart and weaving. She will love it!
Yes! Congrats to Michelle!
Also, Peggy~ Thank you! I missed your voice on that post :)
well, yay!
Jude~ And a Yippee too!
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