Thursday, May 31, 2012

Capturing the Sky

It's a large rectangular tablecloth my sister gave me.  A bright sky blue.  Not a color I'd normally work with, but I've had a plan for it.  I think I will start tonight, when the sun goes down.

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Michelle's Gift

You may remember from this post
for my one year celebration here at pomegranate trail
that Michelle
was the winner of my give-away!

A tease of a photo, announcing the give-away!

Now that she has received her gift in the mail, I can share a bit of it here.
It began with a little box I found, altered and filled with fabric.

Altered box!

It grew to include a weaving I did especially for whoever would be the winner.
The weaving part is complete, it will be a medicine bag.  I love making these and this one ends up being the straightest one I've ever made!  How exciting!  
If you like, you can read more about how I make these woven bags here.

A beautiful AND straight weaving!
Then, I started a little cloth in the week surrounding my give-away announcement.

Remember when you were in school...grade school, and the teacher would present a "story starter"?  There would be a prompt, a get you going.  Then you would carry on, in your own way.  Everyone would end up with a different story.  Their own story.
Well, that's the idea I had in my head for this little cloth.  
Just a little something to get one going. 

So, I began the cloth.

I've seen many crafters, artists who do give-aways, giving away something they have made.  While I love that, for me it felt presumptuous of me to assume that what I enjoy making, is something people would want to win.  Does that make sense?  I don't usually sell my work (yet!) and so I don't know if anyone wants it!!!  Haha
My solution was to gift someone with something made, some raw materials and something they could either leave as is or add to it in their own way.  A 'story starter'.  
But, being the thinker that I am...I also felt it may be rude to assume someone would want to collaborate with me on a stitching project.  Forced collaboration, not so good.
So, I carefully stitched in a way that it could be left as is or added to.
I left loose fabrics and empty spaces.
I left room for additional stitches and mosaic weavings.
I left room for the story to continue!
All of these gifts could be kept or passed along in one way or another.

Gifts & Milo

In the photo above of the cloth with Milo, I thought the cloth was 'done' 
and ready to be sent along to Michelle. 
I took it on a little photo shoot in the back yard.  It was a very willing participant posing on the fence, the rosemary & lavender bushes, the apricot tree and my Mama Rose bush.  We had a grand time together :)

Gifts & the solar eclipse
However, as you can see in the photo above...the cloth wanted more!
These two gifts went on a few journeys with me, 
absorbing energy and experiences that would become a part of the 'gift'.

The moon (hiding behind the medicine bag here) was added during the super moon, we traveled to the Museum of Tolerance, the beach, the Skirball and the drum circle.
I placed a few special items in the medicine bag.
I added more stitches and some words on the back.

Words on the back
At last, I felt like I was done with my part.  I gathered all of the elements included in the total give-away 'gift' and some special fabrics I had put aside during my fabric/magazine clean-out!

Ready to go!

I have always known that I find the most joy in creating things for others.  That is why I am left with very little of my own work.  I love the making part and the giving part!
I am so happy, grateful really, to have had the chance to make the gifts you've seen here.
This was both a fun and meaningful expression of who I am.
I hope you enjoy them as well Michelle!
In friendship, Nancy

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

10 Minute Drill #20 - Surprise!

Tonight I was surprised by albino seeds in my pomegranate!
I have never seen these before, have you?
There were about 5 or 6 total and they tasted just as sweet as all their plump red relations!

Little pearls of goodness!

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

'Rock the Rhythm, Beat the Odds'

Here is a taste of the Rock the Rhythm, Beat the Odds event.  
It was so wonderful to see all of the buses pull up and the kids in their colored t-shirts streaming in.  Two years in the making, I felt proud to see the community come together to promote/support the arts in education, especially during these financially difficult times.

College of the Canyons, Remo of Remo drums and the local K-12 Arts Education Outreach 
and local school districts came together to put on this great event.  
We are so lucky to have these organizations and companies right here in our valley.  This event was filled with the generosity of Remo Belli (aren't the 'sound shapes' he donated way cool?) and many stars in the music industry donating their time and talent.
Here are some of them:
Mickey Hart - The Grateful Dead, The Mickey Hart Band
John Densmore - The Doors
Rikki Rockett - Poison, Rockett Drum Works
Poncho Sanchez - "the king of conguero"
Gorden Campbell - Jessica Simpson, George Duke
Eric "E-Panda" Hernandez - Bruno Mars, Taio Cruz
Mike Phillips - Janelle Monáe 


To see a bit more, there are some nice photos at the  
They really give a feel of what it was like being there.
They have also posted a video.

I personally love drum circles.  I've been to a couple others in years past.  They were a much, much, much smaller gathering being used as a fundraiser for a school I used to work for.  
Yep, even me who shies away from crowds on a regular basis...even me who generally cannot make music on her own, even me who doesn't always hold the beat real well!
If you have never attended a drum circle, I highly recommend it.
There is something magical about a group of people coming together for the first time and being able to create music together!  If you can follow can participate in a drum circle!  
I particularly like the part where we all end at once!  
BOOM!!!  Silence.

These 2 young women were signing the whole event for the deaf & hard of hearing participants.  I could kind of tell how they were demonstrating the drum patterns.  In this picture they are signing "applause".  That sign I know!
Imagine how it must have FELT to be in the stands surrounded by so much vibration!

There are so many positive benefits that come from drumming together.
Remo does a lot of work with the connection of health and drumming.
If you check out their Health Rhythms page and associated links, 
I'm sure you will find it interesting and inspiring too!
While we may not know for a few weeks if the record was broken according to Guinness's standards, the enjoyment and celebration by all who participated was a definite success!
Now, I think I'll go bang a drum!

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

10 Minute Drill # 19 - Solar Eclipse!

Well, that's it!  No special lens...glasses or whatever.  
I just messed around taking photos out back.  
I found if I tilt the computer screen a bit, I get a different view!
Enjoy :)

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I did something new!
Added a new page above.
I decided to have some of my writings in one place, making it easier to locate them (for me or interested readers).
Sometimes, ya gotta know where to look!

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012
I may go back and add some other writings from past posts. 
I think for now I will announce that here.

Again, please respect my work as my own.  As I've said in my sidebar:

"All work on this blog has been created by me, unless otherwise stated. Please respect my creative process as my artwork, photographs and words hold deep personal meaning for me. Please do not re-post/pin on your own blog, Facebook or other social network sites without my permission. That's called stealing. Please contact me if you are interested in something you see here at pomegranate trail. Thank you!"

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.
~Hodding Carter all of you who are mothering right now, 
or fill that role for someone,
or have a mother yourself.  
Which is to say...just about everyone!

A scent so powerful, 2 is almost too much!



Let us take care of the children 
     For they have a long way to go. Let us take care of the elders
      For they have come a long way.
And let us take care
of the ones in between
        For they are doing the work.
             -Nelson Mandela

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ivory for Avery


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012
Today I wore ivory for Avery.  Have you met Avery yet?  I first heard her story 
on the evening news.  When I went to learn more, I was deeply touched.  More important, I learned something.  Here is Avery's blog.

I'll tell you a bit about her and then you can explore more for yourself.  She has a Face Book page and twitter account, so look for them on her blog.

Avery was born on November 11, 2011.
At four months old she was diagnosed with SMA, which stands for Spinal muscular atrophy.  It is a genetic disorder, which when diagnosed as a young infant (like Avery), the lifespan is usually not more than 2 years.
Avery passed away April 30th.
She was almost six months old.

Upon getting the diagnosis, Avery's parents (Michael & Laura) decided to spend their time with her Living and enjoying her and raising awareness for SMA.  Here is her explanation. (BTW- I really do suggest you go back and read her blog from the beginning).
That is just what they have done, enjoy each other and raise awareness.
When they started the blog, they decided to start a 'bucket list' so little Avery could enjoy as many life experiences as possible.  This is what caught the attention of hearts around the world!  Her father, Michael, has written the blog in Avery's 'voice', which is a very endearing voice indeed!  Boy, has it worked!  Along with news programs, blogs and Face Book pages have lit up around the country.  Today along with wearing Ivory for Avery, a blogger celebrated her 6 month birthday with a call for cakes :)
I'm sure there are many other events, posts and celebrations going on as well.  
I think this little gal and her family touched me so much for a couple of reasons.  There's the usual, I'm a mother...any illness in anyone, but especially a child...and then the idea of loosing a child, which spark feelings of empathy and compassion in everyone.  Besides that, I have personal experience with the high risk pregnancy and birth of my daughter.  I had a genetic counselor.  I was the patient of a perinatologist and had 7 amniocentesis tests for gosh sakes!  I even had a screening done for Tay-Sachs while still in college.
At no time had I ever heard of SMA.
I rant, "Why not?"
I have children, grandchildren and nieces, who may someday become parents themselves.
Not only had I never heard of SMA, 
but I did not know that you can request a test for it...there IS a test for it!
But, again, I had never heard of this until Avery, with the help of her Mommy and Daddy!
It is the #1 genetic killer of children under two years old.
There is no treatment and no this time.  But,  it is the closest to treatment of more than 600 neurological disorders.  Avery's many new SMAans (which stands for SMA and Fans, she says!) have helped to raise money and awareness.  A lot of money and awareness! Amazing.  Amazing what one little gal and her loving family have done in such a short time.
So, today I wore Ivory for Avery and decided to write my own blog post so I can help Avery, her family and all of the other children and families living with SMA.
Spreading the awareness, that's one way I can help!
SMA is a pan-ethnic disease and does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, or gender.
It could be your family.

Here are a couple of other links for you:

There are ways to learn more, support, become active, and donate.  
Please investigate this as you wish, but please tell your loved ones so they may get tested and not have to go through this with their own child.
Thank you for reading this post today.
Thank you Avery, Michael and Laura

Sunday, May 6, 2012

1 Year Give Away

...Drum roll please...

And the winner is:


Congratulations Michelle!
I will confirm mailing information with you and send the gift along soon.
Thank you to everyone who left a comment here and who comes by to read my blog.

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Super Moon Love

Moon rises across the street

Moon through the blinds

With goldfinch bell

A   P h r a s e   o f   L i f e

 S h e   m o v e s   w i t h   g u a r d e d   h o n e s t y ,
       t h r o u g h   t h e   c h o r e o g r a p h e d   c h a o s .
 E m b r a c i n g   a n d   i g n o r i n g   s h r e d d e d   r e g r e t s .
 F r e e d o m   a b s o r b e d   s e r i o u s l y ,
       l i k e   a   c l a u s t r o p h o b i c   b e a r .
 W i c k e d l y   r e s i s t i n g   p r e - p a c k a g e d   v a l u e s  
       a n d   a s s i g n e d   c r e a t i v i t y .
 T h e n   t h e   m o o n   p u l l s   h e r   h o m e,
       i n t o   v e r t i c a l   d r e a m s
 U n t i l   t h e   j a s m i n e   b l o o m s .

 D e c e m b e r   1 6 ,   2 0 0 5 


Orange glow

Moon up the canyon
In the trees
Framed by the grapefruit leaves

And in the cat's eyes!  Meow!

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Gift

 Here is a little gift for a dear long-time friend.
A little mini-quiltie hanger, open back.
It's only 4.5wide X 5.5tall.  It's a tiny one :)
She loved it!
The first thing she said was that it was "her colors"...but I knew that!
She traced the vines with her finger and
asked about it's creation and design.
She held it still while I finished off the braided/knotted hanger.
The collaboration warmed my heart.

She thinks it will hang in her work-out room, on a window latch.
She said there is nothing to look at in that room,
so she was excited to have something pretty to look at while working out.
As much as I wasn't a 'heart person' in the past...I seem to be gravitating towards them lately (and moons too, it seems).  This one symbolizes the feelings of being with a good friend...the joy of long-time relationships...being over the moon!
I like the back just as much.  But, you knew that!

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Train Station Dance (Belgium) Sound of Music


Over at Jenclair's she posted a joyful dance video.  
It reminded me of this one!
It is one of my old favorites.  
The best flash mob, in my opinion!
Makes me smile every time :)
How can you grin and spread the joy?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One Year Later

One year ago today my first post here at pomegranate trail went up 
and I joined the vast blogging community!
Here I am, one year later!  I have enjoyed telling my stories,
sharing photos & findings and exploring things ~ learning & discovering by reading the comments and posts of new friends here online.
I would like to thank everyone who has come on over to read my posts.
An extra thanks to those of you who have chosen to comment and
join in on the conversation.
An extra special thanks to those of you who have made the whole year (or most of it) a part of your life.  I feel very lucky to be surrounded by such talented and diverse women!

Spent Mushrooms Out Back
I'm not sure how I will continue on, exactly.  I'm reflecting a little on if I will continue on this particular journey, if I will change it up a bit or continue in the rhythm that has grown over the last 12 months.

Fondly know as "The Girls"
After a long period of planning to blog,
I finally began last spring with the goal of continuing for One Year.
Now I have met that goal and can mark it off my long list of ideas.
That feels good.  To have set a goal and met it.

Also fondly known as "The Girls"!  On the Mama Rose that is!

At any celebrate this One Year Anniversary,
I'm following with the great tradition of a blog give away!
All you have to do is leave a comment to enter for a chance.
The winner will then get a little goodie will be mailed off to them!
This feels like a great way to give back to the
warm and wonderful blogging community.
Because for me, as I've discovered over the year,
a lot of this is about the conversation.
Comments will be open for the rest of the week to help account
for time zones and busy schedules.

Sneak Peek!!!
Next weekend, I'll draw a name and announce the winner!
So, good luck fabulous readers!
Thank you for the last year!

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2012