Monday, October 17, 2011

10 Minute Drill # 4

two subjects, many thoughts
visions of stitches float in on the
images nature provides

lines and rings fan out from the center
shading and fine lines define space
deep crevasse invites reflection
oak tree pruned

line with prongs
one strong stripe
small hook waving in the wind
mosaic wings, leaf-like legs
three inches of inspiration

 Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2011


Ms. said...

Did you know that grasshoppers use deisguises, change colors-- --is this a grasshopper? My it is beautiful in close up. What a design marvel. Just as interesting are the details on the cut oak. Like I've said before, the close up capability of your camera, and the close up noticing of your eye are sharp!

Nancy said...

Michelle- Grasshopper. And thank you :)

Peggy said...

Nancy, I love this -- the perfection of Nature. Makes me remember we're so lucky to live on this beautiful planet...

Nancy said...

Peggy- There is a lot of beauty isn't there?!

deanna7trees said...

grasshoppers have not been very nice to my plants in the past. I could never figure out how they could eat so much with such small bodies.

Nancy said...

Deanna- Maybe this guy is the one who has been feasting on my sunflowers!

deanna7trees said...

probably. they are voracious eaters.

Els said...

Hi Nancy, love the "stitched" lines on the piece of wood ;-)
That green "inspiration" is definately looking back at you .... might that be an invitation ?

Els said...

(... almost forgot: are you the one living near Herm ?? ....)

Anonymous said...

i've been thinking about tree rings lately! thinking about growth & adding on in relationships. beautiful photo of them.

and the laughing guy! i was laughing, but a little scared at the same time.

Nancy said...

Els-Yes! I was really felling watched! Ha. No I do not live near Herm. I was so sad to hear the news.

Cindy-Yes I just took another tree ring picture, looks quite different.
The laughing guy's laugh reminded me of those 'laughing boxes' of the late 1960's!