View from the parking lot
Driving past Pico Canyon Park yesterday, I happened to see some dirt steps going up the side of a hill. How have I never noticed them before? They are close to the road, not the dirt steps we've already found...another set! So, today we went to look for them. We did find a path to get to them. They were steep and shallow...he went up several, I waited below. I turned around, I couldn't watch. Yikes! I won't suggest these steps again.
Then we walked over to the cement staircase. He went up.
I studied the brush for what may have startled the birds. Nothing.
Another path opened up tonight, as I finally, finally, finally got out the lightweight quilt again. My goal is to finish the "mending" (if you can call it that) in time for warmer weather.
My eye is caught by the well-defined points on the oak leaves in the stunning sunlight.
The 'baby oaks' stand in the open, bushy in their growth over the many months I've been tracking them. The brightness of the day is welcomed. Nearby a man sits on the picnic table, playing his guitar. We pause to listen.
I named the quilt "Scar". Each scar is stitched with 6 strands of embroidery thread...thick, raised, colorful. I employ no rhyme or reason and use whatever is in the scrap bag.
Old Glory has her green jewels on again. She shines. If I can apply a female gender to a tree, then she is one strong woman! I stand in awe.
I move the hoop around the quilt, encircling spots needing mending...saving the worst spots for last. I have many Scars to stitch.
View from the parking lot
What brightness do you hang on to? What scars do you mend and/or honor? Does this help them heal?
May you honor your scars
May you embrace every bright sky
Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2025