Showing posts with label shiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shiny. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Models Own - Purple Poppy

Pink toned purple creme

Not much to say about this, it's a somewhat unusual mid pinky toned purple creme.

Swatch show is 2 coats, with no top coat - and it's super shiny!

Application was fabulous, one of those Models Own that totally belie their low price.

I've been having a few problems with FF and Chrome reporting malware on this site - pretty sure it's all coming from links in my blogroll so I'm removing them as I get notified - but let me know if you're still getting issues with my site - thanks!

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Leighton Denny - Do Me a Flavour

Bright, glossy orange creme 

Wowser - Do Me a Flavour is just the brightest, juiciest and most vibrant orange creme.

I love it, even though orange is not really my colour!  This is more a red leaning orange rather than yellow so maybe that's why it doesn't look too bad.

Swatch is 2 coats, no top coat, but look how glossy it is!

Application was not quite a good as the recent nails inc oranges I've shown but still great.

IIRC this was one of the shades given away as a cover mount gift with a magazine last year, can't remember which mag though...