Hmmmm.. first and foremost i would like to apologize for the random hiatus i took! I only planned it to be a week, but when i came back I was at a creative block so i decided to take a smidge more time, which in actuality i was going to return the 31st of August but eh i was like why not come back after labor day right? lol! Secondly, thanks for the concerns and support people sent me online and to my email, i checked them, I saw them, and i loved them! Thanks again, and i am A-Okay... I just needed to be a lazy ass for a few weeks lol! Lastly i can not wait to catch up and read everyones blog that i missed for the last month. I mean i havent even as much glanced at a nail blog and im craving to do so lol so look out for my comments on your month old posts lol....Lastly I got the new blackberry tour (so i will be on blogger all the freaking time)!! YaY
But anyways for the people (like me) who just like the pictures... I did a bunch of random designs on my nails the day before ALL OF MY NAILS started to break, Yes all of my nails are broken as of now lol! So these picture is the last picture of my nails long... Im not going to go in details of what i used and what not because this pic is out of date and was meant to be posted the 3 weeks ago.