Hey girls! Wow, I have already gotten a good response to my little contest I am having - so thank you!
I got some pictures of the Cupcake cook book I told you all about yesterday, and added a few more prizes to the pot as well. So far the prize list stands at:
- (1) 500 Cupcakes Cookbook
- (2 DOZ) Cookies made fresh by me!
- (1) Brand New Helzberg Diamond's Cultured Pearl "I Am Loved" Bracelet
- (2) Bath & Body Works Scented Anti Bacterial purse size hand gel
- More prizes could be added so check this list often :)

Since I have "upped the ante" on the prizes, I am going to require that every one who enters must be a follower as well. I want to give these great prizes to someone who is going to hang with us on our blog and not just scouring the Internet for free "booty" - lol! So please, if you have already made a guess and are NOT a follower, please make sure that you change that now.
Also, BEFORE making a guess, please check the running list I have of already submitted names. You can not submit a name that has already been done, or your entry will be deleted. I will update the list daily to keep it as current as possible! There are already some really great names submitted.
Thanks again girls - I think this is turning out to be much funner than I had hoped!