About Me

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A simple chick, who likes to have fun!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hi guys! So sorry for the extreme lack of posting. I've had a lot of trouble with my nails (splitting, breaking, etc.), and it made me too depressed about it to put in the time to create art on my nails. I still have very short nubbins (like, barely any white), but I bought a few new pretties on my last trip to Moncton, so I'll be putting pictures of those either today or tomorrow. I also have a few pictures left from the vault, that I'll try to post over the next few days. Again, sorry for being MIA like that. Hope you guys are all well, and thanks for sticking around!! 

GabZ ♥

Sunday, April 10, 2011

St. Patrick's Day


I know, I know, St. Patrick's Day was a month ago, but I still wanted to share what I had done for that day.

 Here's what I used:
- Seche Clear base coat (1 coat)
- Finger Paints Chrysanthe-mum’s the Word (2 coats)
- Sally Hansen Ceramic Tips (stamping)
- Seche Vite top coat (1 coat)
- Bundle Monster BM03 plate
- Born Pretty M71 plate

I wanted to throw away my Sally Hansen white polish, because it had become so thick and goopy. Turns out it's perfect for stamping! Now I regret throwing away my goopy thick black. Oh well!

Thanks for watching!

GabZ ♥

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tag: Get to know me

Hi guys!
I'm gonna post a nail art as soon as I get home today, or at the latest tomorrow. But for now, I wanted to do this tag, as I've never done any and I think they're nice. 

Alexa from Addicted to Konad tagged anyone that is following her hasn't done this tag yet. That's for me! :D

Here we go:
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes, the angel Gabriel, and St. Theresa (Gabrielle Thérèse)

2. When was the last time you cried?
Sometimes last month.
3. Do you have any kids?
Nope, haven't had this pleasure yet.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

I really don't know. Most likely, yes.

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Are you kidding? I'm fluent in sarcasm.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?

Oh, gosh, no!! I'm afraid of heights, and why would anyone want to throw themselves off a cliff for recreational purposes is beyond me.

7. Whats your favorite cereal?

I like cereals a lot, as long as they have fruits and are crunchy. 
8. Whats the first thing you notice about people?

Their smile.

9. What is your eye color?

Dark brown.

10. Scary movie or happy endings?

Happy endings all the way. I hate scary movies.

11. Favorite smells?
Hmmm. Good question... I like fruity, sugary and musky smells.   

12. Summer or winter?
If I have to choose between these two, I'd say winter. But I really like Fall and Spring better.

13. Computer or television?

Computer when I'm on my own, television with SuperBear (that's my bf).
14. What's the farthest you've ever been from home?

3500Km, Nassau (Bahamas).
15. Do you have special talents?

Not that I know of. Oh yeah, totally awesome when it comes to clumsiness.

16. Where were you born?


17. What are your hobbies?

Nail art, reading, going for walks, snuggling with SuperBear, watching movies.
18. Do you have any pets?

5 fishes (more on the way), and one pug named Larry ♥.

19. Favorite movie?

Gone With The Wind

20. Do you have any siblings?
2 older brothers.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I don't think I'm going to get any more grown up than I currently am. And I really don't know.

22. When was your first slow dance and the song?

I was in 7th or 8th grade, but I really don't remember the song.

23. Movies you dislike.
Horror movies, movies that have to do with Spirits or soul possession by devils, movies about aliens (not including cartoons like Planet 51, that was super cute), science fiction in general (but not all of them)

24. What 3 YouTubers/bloggers would you like to meet in person?

Oh gosh, too many!
25. Who do you tag:
Everyone who's reading this and hasn't already done this tag!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Woe is me and leopard print mani

Hi guys!!

Today, a tale of great sorrow: from long nails to short nails. Yeah, I wanted to keep my nails as long as possible, to see just how long I could get them to grow. Here's what they looked like about 2 weeks ago:

 The pointer and middle fingers have patches on them, and it was about time I redo them. You can clearly see the tear in the middle finger, eh?

There's a patch on the thumb, which you can see.

And so after redoing the patches and watching them grow for just a little bit more, some other nails tore and I just thought it'd be better to cut them short and let them grow again. I just hope it won't take too much time!! Here's what they look now:

I just took a picture of my right hand, because I had already started to put on the base font for my leopard print mani, seen below. I tried to cut them so short that there wouldn't be any more tears, but there are still 5 of them with a tear, and 1 that I just put on the gel resin on it to make it a little stronger. It was thinner where a patch used to be.

Here's the leopard prints mani:

And here's what I used:

- Seche Clear base coat
- Borghese Biscotti Beige
- Nail Star Two-Way Pen & Brush in brown
- Seche Vite top coat
- Kiss Nail Artist Fine Art Pen in black (missing on the picture)

So for a few more weeks, you'll get a few posts from the vault. I'm not really sure how inspired I'll be by my new nubbins. They're at their shortest since maybe August last year, when I first started "nail arting".

Alright! So thanks for coming by!

GabZ ♥

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

French manis from the vault

Hi guys!

Today, I will present 2 French manicures that I did before Christmas.

This one was taken on August '10, when I had just basically started. I was still testing the Mavala product at this point. Here it is:

What I used:
- Mavala Nail Shield
- Sally Hansen Diamond Strenght
- Sally Hansen New Length Ceramic White Tips
- Nicole Top Coat Plus
- Rhinestones

Then here's another French manicure I did in November '10. I had made it to go to a hockey game, and the Oceanics' color is blue. Here it is:

I used:
- 4 Nail Star Nail Art Pen and Brush in blue
- L.A. Colors Art Deco Silver Glitter
- No sure what I used for base and top coats, though..

And here's another one I made in December '10. Here it is:

My aunt gave me this Rimmel purple polish, but I really have no idea what the name of the color is. It was really hard to work with, as it was really goopy. And I used L.A. Colors Nail Art Silver Glitter to outline the slant.

And here's my attempt at reproducing Tartofraise's corset design:

It was my first attempt at freehanding something with a very thin brush. I liked it! It was made in December as well. I did it for another hockey game, on a weekend getaway, and remembered to take a pic after I came back. I used:
- Rimmel Base Coat Top Coat
- 4 Nail Star Nail Art Pen and Brush in navy and white
- Aldo's Hit The Pavement Perfecto

As always, please forgive the extra dry cuticle. I'm working on it!

Thanks for coming by! Feel free to leave a comment below, eh!

GabZ ♥

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sally Hauls


So as I was saying in my previous post, I went to the new Sally Beauty Supplies that opened last month in my town. Super exciting, the people working there are really nice and knowledgeable, a very enjoyable shopping experience.

Here's what I came home with:

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

.: Hemp with Argan Oil Body Moisturizer. I was a bit skeptical at first, wasn't sure if it was gonna smell like hemp a whole lot, but turns out to smell simply divine! It's not an overpowering smell, and the smell stays on for about 3 or 4 hours. Almost 24 hours later, my skin still feels hydrated. (best impulse buy I've done in a long time!)
.: Cotton Gloves. I wanted to try these for a while now, putting a thick coat of body butter or heavy hand cream before slipping these on for the night. I tried them last night, and it really works! I had rashes due to cold weather on top of both my hands, and it's gone. Also, not sure if this is related, but one of my nails had a white spot on it, and it's a lot less noticeable now.

.: Pure Acetone. I was almost running out of it anyway, and it was on sale for $1.99. 
.: Nail Polish Thinner. One of my polishes is.. I don't know.. Too thick? Not sure if it's the problem for sure, but I'm gonna try thinning it. It's my last hope.
.: Cuticle scissors. Not that I cut my cuticles, but I'm hoping it'll be easier to cut the little silk patches for repair.

.: Bubble White. This stuff really works!! I wear 2 coats of base coat, to prevent yellowing, and I'm super paranoid when it comes to this topic. I usually brush my nails with baking soda every time I change my manicure, but if it's getting out of hand, I use this Bubble White product. I leave it on for about 10 minutes, and the yellow hue is gone.

.: Orly Des Fleurs. I was curious to try a pink base for a French manicure. I think it'll be too pink, from the small swatch I did. But we'll see.
.: Orly White Tips. My white from Sally Hansen is getting just too thick, and this one seem good enough to replace it.
These are my very first Orly polishes!

.: China Glaze Broken Hearted. Originally, I wasn't a fan of crackle polish. Until I had it on my nails! I tried this one over my existing (chipping) mani, and it looked great. I did a few tests with the brush stroke, to find out which way it cracks better. This goes on my nails next, that's for sure.
.: China Glaze Crushed Candy. This looks amazing too, it's unbelievable. 
.: China Glaze Liquid Leather. My only other black (from Aldo) is a little on the thin side, and has a beautiful shimmer in it. I just thought I needed a simple black.

This was my second time going to Sally's. The first time, about a month ago, here's what I had bought:

.: Supernail Swiss Silk patches. Works wonders. As soon as you put on the gel, it's completely transparent. And it's tough too.
.: Finger Paint Hue Left Me A  Message? This is my very first FP polish! Though it's a subtle color, it looks really good on my nails. I did one mani with it, that should appear over the next few weeks.
.: China Glaze Grape Juice. My very first CG polish! The shimmers in it look so good! It's a bit on the sheer side, but build up very nicely. I also did a mani with it, to be seen within a few weeks.
.: Wonder Bond Brush-on Gel Glue. This works better than just regular brush-on glue or just any nail glue I've encountered. I pair it with the silk patches, and it stays on for at least 3 changes in manicures. It's very tough on its own too, and doesn't take much time to dry (1-2 min tops).
.: Missing from the picture: 2 individual packets of Bubble White. I wanted to try it first before buying the bigger container.

Also, soon to come on my nails:

So there you have it! My most recent haul. I was tempted to buy more, though, because I saw a new Finger Paint collection, with giant flower rings on some bottles, and a few other China Glaze and Orly polishes that I wanted, but it'll have to wait another time.

Thanks for coming by today! Feel free to leave comments, questions, reactions, etc!

GabZ ♥

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Champagne purple squiggles


Here's a mani I before Christmas, but just forgot to post it. I wasn't sure I was gonna like that color on my nails, 'cause it's much more pale than what I usually wear, but it turned out well in the end.

Here's what I used:
- Sally Hansen 4-in-1 treatment (1 coat)
- Borghese Luna Pearl
- Nail art pen from eBay in purple
- rhinestones

This post was suppose to be posted last week, via scheduled posts, but I guess it failed to go through!  So sorry about that! 

Oh! And I went to Sally Beauty Supply this morning, and got nice little haul there. Stay tuned for more, either tomorrow or Monday! :D


GabZ ♥