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Showing posts with label Santee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santee. Show all posts


Sally Hansen Deep Purple + Santee Purple Sparkle

I actually have had SH Deep Purple for a while and cant believe I ever debated on getting it. "No, you have too many purple polishes, you can pass on this one." Thats what I said to myself everytime I saw it in the store. Then finally, I broke down and got it. This past weekend, I picked up the Santee polish for a dollar and it gave me the perfect reason to dig SH Deep Purple out! I think I picked up the Santee polish because in the store it reminded me of OPI Mad as a Hatter. Yeah, thats a long shot because when I got home, I realized it was glitter in clear base and was way less dense that MAAH. Oh well, its a win/win situation anyway.

Did you see the blue shimmer in Deep purple? Amazing, I tell ya.
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Santee Vikini Green

Yes, you read that right. The label on this polish say Vikini Green. What the heck that means, I have no clue. But lets move on, shall we? :-)

Here's something you rarely see from me; a green polish. I found this in my stash and figured, why not? Its the weekend. Since I have a internship now, uh I don't think I could get away with this at work.

A little brighter with flash outside

This is three coats + Orly Sec n Dry. The brushes on these Santee polishes are a wide and a little bushy in my opinion. Just when I need when applying a color like this. *rolls eyes* Other than that, this is a great little nail polish for one dollar, no?

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Santee Sky Blue



Another day, another Santee polish. Now I normally don't go for pearl/metallic finishes on my polishes because I don't like the streaky appearance they give. However, this blue was just so pretty to me I had to get it. I keep wanting to call it Ice Blue instead of Sky Blue and I don't know why. This is four coats + Seche Vite! Why four coats? Well I could have stopped at two, but it was still too pale for me, so I did three. However, I hit my nail on the table and made a dent in my polish. So there goes the fourth coat. In the end, I like the depth that four coats gives this polish color. It dried pretty quickly. I still don't think I care for this type of polish though.


Santee Black Hole

Here's a polish I picked up a beauty supply store. It was a buck and I figured it was worth it! I thought it was a good chance to try out a color I wouldn't normally pick, being that it is brown. How did it work out? Well let's see...

It's a nice medium brown with golden shimmer. That being said, I have no idea why the name of this polish is black hole. Black? Not hardly. In fact, in these pictures it looks a little red to me. Go figure. This was three coats. This is my first time using Santee polishes and I think they are good quality for a dollar. This one required three coats to get to the opacity that I like but that's not a big deal. It also dried fairly quickly. I have two more Santee polishes to show you, so stay tuned to check them out!

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