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Showing posts with label NYC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYC. Show all posts


NYC Greenwich Village

Heres one of the polishes I picked up at CVS last week, for a grand total of a dollar. Greenwich Village is a simple pink creme.

I have a little tipwear, I think this picture is after two or three days. But look, it matches the wallet clutch my lovely grandmother got me this past Christmas. I love her! :-)

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NYC Polyester Pink Creme

I was browsing around Target and picked this up along with NYC Skin Tight Denim   because it was 94 cents! Plus it really is a nice pastel pink. However, application had some issues. The consistency is thick but runny. Does that make sense? It seemed to like to pool around my cuticles (which I am very angry at right now) and I don't like that. I believe this is 4 coats + Poshe topcoat.

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NYC Skin Tight Denim

I've actually been wanting this color for a while. Actually at first, I thought that I didn't need it because I have OPI Blue My Mind and thought NYC Skin Tight Denim was similar. I originally spotted it on Deez Nails and Ive been in love ever since. Without further ado (read: before I get to blabbing about how awesome this polish is) here is NYC Skin Tight Denim.

As Carrie from Sex and the City would say, "Hello, lover!" This gorgeous dark blue polish is worth every penny, and it only took 94 of them to get this. NYC Skin Tight Denim, is a deep dark blue that is opaque in ONE COAT. Seriously, I could have done one coat and been done. However, for this manicure I did two + Poshe topcoat, just out of habit I suppose. There's a lot of blackened blues out there, but this my friend, is not one of them. This blue is just about as dark as it gets I believe, before it starts looking black. So that means in any lighting, I still looks blue. I got a fresh bottle of base coat, so this was gliding on like a dream. It also dried fast, by the time I got done with my last nail, the first nail I painted was finished. The only thing I don't like about this polish is that it has that weird smell that all my dark blue polishes have. I don't know whats up with that.

Bottom line, NYC Skin Tight Denim is a winner!


NYC Times Square Tangerine

The first post of 2010! I've been waiting on 2010 for quite some time. This May I will graduate from college and I cant wait. Then I can finally get a full time job to feed my polish, makeup and clothing addition. I can also get the Toyota Yaris I've had my broke undergrad eyes on. :-) While celebrating the New Year shopping at Target I decided pick up this orange creme from NYC. I don't have many orange polishes and at 94 cents I thought, "why not"? I've been avoiding oranges because they can be super bright and not so great against my skin tone. NYC Times Square Tangerine is a medium orange creme, indoors it looks darker and outdoors it looks brighter. The pictures are 3 coats + Poshe topcoat. I probably could have done 2, but I could still slightly see my nail line and 3 coats is just a habit to me.

So here it is, NYC Times Square Tangerine:

Outdoor + No Flash

Looks a little red to me, so of course this wont stay up long. This is the 2nd day of the manicure and I can already see some tip wear. :-( Hey, it was only .94 cents so no biggie. Also,

Happy New Year!
May 2010 be filled with love, laughter and good times.


NYC Taxi Yellow Creme

I actually bought this polish last weekend and meant to try it out the second I got home but I got distracted. You see, I am on a quest for a yellow that will work for me. I spotted this at Target and for .94 cents I was like, well why not? Although its soft yellow creme, when I picked it I could see faint golden shimmer running through it. Plus it wasn't as loud and in your face as the Zoya Creamy I'd tried before. Well, it sat on my desk the whole week, untried. Maybe subconsciously I knew it would be a pain in the butt to apply and I wasn't up to the challenge?

Here is the polish, this is three coats + no topcoat. It was sheer and streaky. I probably could have done 4 coats, but I thought that might have looked chalky on my hands.

Last weekend, before we went to the movies, I stopped at my favorite small town drugstore to see if they had some polishes I was interested in. I picked up another LA Colors nail art polish in mint green. I'm so glad I found a actual store to buy these at,they are great for nail art. If you were like me and you have no idea where to buy or haven't seen these in a store near you, you can order them online and get a pretty good deal. The best deal I saw was 6 for 11.95.

Here's my "lemon-lime" nail art:

Not my best work, but I like the colors together. I used Zoya Armor topcoat here. To my surprise this dried faster and glossier than I remember, I might have to use that topcoat more often.

Have a great weekend!


NYC Chinatown

Indoor + Flash

Outdoor + Flash
Oh how I love this color...I don't know why I've been waiting so long to wear it. I bought this because I was going through a dark blue phase. The darker the I could not be happier when I saw this in Walgreens. It's so shimmery in the bottle I couldn't wait to wear it. In the picture with flash you can see that shimmer, but in other lighting settings it looks like a smooth, deliciously dark creme. Hmm...either way this polish is a winner for me. Plus you can get it for about 2 dollars.

It dried quick, but then again on the label it does say Quick Dry Nail Polish. It's opaque, this is 2 coats + topcoat. Doesn't chip fast on me either. I wore this during a busy week full of studying for tests and I just didn't have time to change my polish. This held up for 3 days with minimal tip wear. I don't know if it could last longer...I have polish ADD.



NYC West Village

Indoor + Flash

Indoor + No Flash

NYC has revamped their nail polish line and has these new In a New York Color Minute polishes that are pretty awesome. I got 2 for about 3 dollars at my local CVS, I almost walked out the store and gave up on finding them when I decided to wander around a display that had all their new and just released products on the shelves. I also picked up Chinatown.

The polish does dry fast but they have a weird me. They don't smell like any other nail polish I own. That's not bad or good...just different. This is 3 coats + topcoat. They actually didnt chip fast on me at all. I'm going to buy some other colors from this line. You can check them out here:
They actually have some interesting colors that I wouldnt mind getting my hands on...and they're cheap!
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