Yes I realize this is really flirting with the weekend deadline, but I hope you'll forgive me when you see this one. Once again this week I learned that I really need to stop watching Food Network late at night. I say as I'm watching the season premier of The Next Iron Chef. But last Sunday I was watching Iron Chef America and the secret ingredient was pineapple. I love pineapple, fresh, canned, juiced, whatever. So watching an entire episode of recipes devoted to it...well let's just say it's amazing I didn't go to the store at 2 am for some. I was also craving cake so I turned once again to the Food Network website for a recipe. Now I didn't want pineapple upside down cake, so I had to search through several pages to find one I wanted to try. Which of course turned out to be a Paula Deen recipe. I really should know by now to just automatically search for recipes by her or Alton Brown.
The one I found is called
Is It Really Better Than Sex? Cake. Well that's a loaded question if I've ever heard one. While I won't necessarily go that far in describing the cake, I will say it was really good and I plan to make it again. Basically, it is yellow cake topped with pineapple, french vanilla pudding, and fresh whipped cream. And toasted coconut if you follow the recipe completely. I left that part off because David hates coconut and I don't like toasted coconut. I did not feel I was missing anything, but I'm sure the coconut would have been good on top.
The Ingredients
See the whole cake after the break