Strip sets are organized and labeled. Here we go!!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Friday, August 1, 2014
Where has The Summer Gone
Wow time has been flying and kids are going back to school. Here is what I have been working on....

Earrings and more earrings. These are sterling silver.
And some more hexies for my Candied Hexie Quilt. I almost have enough to start sewing them into one big quilt. It's been a long time getting there but it might just happen yet.
Hope you all had a productive summer too. K
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Jewelry Making
Here is my first wire wrapped earrings! I have this new obsession with wire wrapped jewelry. They are about the size of a quarter. I love how they look.

This is what my workspace looks like...lots of little bits of metal and tools. These are the duds.
The makeup brush is for wrapping wire around to make smooth circles.
Love my new hobby. You can see my Pinterest board on "cool jewelry" at Kristin428. I can't figure out how to make a link with my IPAD. Next time. Off to clean up my mess. Happy Sunday, K
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Wire Wrapped Jewelry
Picked up a new book this weekend. Here is my first attempt at wire wrapped beads and the resulting bracelet. Love this book! I will post the title with my next project. (Puppy is sleeping on my lap and I don't want to disturb the little princess.) Pictures are great and with a little help from YouTube I was able to create a nice piece. Looking forward to making some more. I fell in love with some earrings on Pinterest and am going to work on my skills to be able to make them.
This is the inspiration from the book.
Happy Sewing, K
Sunday, May 18, 2014
String Blocks
Who knew string blocks could be so fun??

I found these on a Flickr swap group where you sign up for a set amount and sent them in, then they mix them all up and sent them back out so you get a nice scrappy variety of blocks back.

Now I have seen these before, however these have a cut pieced strip at the center of each one that makes them more interesting. I chose to add a 1/2" finished, white strip on both sides of the center strip and I think that really sets off the piecing. Not sure I want to send them off for the swap. You can check it out on Flickr here.
These blocks are sewn onto a 6 1/2" square of computer paper with a very short stitch length so the paper will pull off easy. So far I am happy with the results.

I carted my sewing machine, iron, board and all the other much needed accessories and did my sewing outdoors today. LOVED IT. Definitely going to do it again soon. It was pretty warm but I do love the sun and my garden.
Now I have seen these before, however these have a cut pieced strip at the center of each one that makes them more interesting. I chose to add a 1/2" finished, white strip on both sides of the center strip and I think that really sets off the piecing. Not sure I want to send them off for the swap. You can check it out on Flickr here.
These blocks are sewn onto a 6 1/2" square of computer paper with a very short stitch length so the paper will pull off easy. So far I am happy with the results.
I carted my sewing machine, iron, board and all the other much needed accessories and did my sewing outdoors today. LOVED IT. Definitely going to do it again soon. It was pretty warm but I do love the sun and my garden.
Hope you all had a fun sewing day, K
Monday, May 5, 2014
Hexie Pincushion Swap
Here is my little pin cushion for the English Paper Pieceing Swap found on Flickr. I had lots of fun sewing these little 1/2" hexies. I uses a charm pack and Essex linen to make this baby. It's filled with crushed walnut shells. I bought a small bag and now have enough for 10 more pin cushions!! Looks like I will have to come up with some other cushions to design.
Working on some string blocks to come soon.
Happy sewing, K
Sunday, March 23, 2014
So Busy Sunday
I have been so busy lately that my blog is neglected!!

Today I went on a couple hour hike in the mountains just above my house...well we had to drive for 30 min but it was great. Shaded pathways, bubbling stream, the company of my daughter. We went 2 miles and it was uphill all the way. I really enjoyed the peacefulness even if I was huffing and puffing to get up the hill. We ate our lunch by the stream and then headed back down the trail. Much easier than up, that's for sure!
After that we drove quite a way to go see a dog shoe that I am interested in competing in. I am definitely signing up for the next agility trial at City of Industry. Only 40 min away from home and in a covered arena. Not too hot for my puppy. Here is a pic from out first trial. We have our first title Novice Jumpers. Next we show in the open catagory a bit harder but we are ready for the challenge!!
I did get to sew up some hexies while she was driving!
That's it for now...happy Sunday, K
Sunday, March 2, 2014
My New Quilted Lunch Bag
I finished this lunch bag in February. I used a charm pack of Chez Moi Mimi and some of the floral print yardage for the lining.
I started with the dimensions of my plastic storage that I picked up at Target. It's pretty functional, large box with ice pack and 2 smaller 1 cup containers. I needed some extra space too for a can of soda so I designed it a bit roomy.
I used a double layer of insulbrite throughout the body, bottom and flap of the bag. It's quilted using a walking foot and a wavy stitch setting on my machine. I quilted on every line of the 1" postage squares. (finished size). For the interior I found a vinyl iron on product to laminate the fabric so clean up would be easy. I added a strap across the back so it slips onto my rolling briefcase that I use for work as my hands are often full with other stuff when going into my stores. It has a shoulder strap too.
What I have discovered:
- Insulbrite works great, if you have the right size cold pack and can keep cold all day. My cold pack is kinda small and keeps cold well until lunch time. Leftovers must go in the fridge.
- Vinyl laminate is really easy to iron on and cleans up wonderfully.
- French seams were used on the inside seams of the box with tiny stitches which prevents leaking. I filed it with water for a minute and it didn't pour out. So no embarrassing leaks in front of my coworkers.
- Shoulder strap needs to be repositioned, when the bag is heavy it tends to open.
- Velcro closure keeps the bag sealed well and holds the cold in. Probably would work with a hot lunch too.
Overall a pretty good lunch bag and lots of people think it's cute and asked where I got it. Made by me of course!!!
I didn't take pictures as I sewed so here it is all finished!!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
A Little EPP This Week
Happy Sunday, looking like a georgous day today and a perfect day to sit in the sun with my English Paper Piecing project. Yes I have been working on it forever!! I am still in love with my fabrics, Polka Dot Stitches, by Lori Holt, and only have 40ish more pieced hexies to make. I started basting with the sewline glue pen and that has really speeded up that part of the process so I can get down to sewing. Here are this week's pics....

On a side note the Get Your Hex On Bee (on Flickr) is coming to an end and Stacey is looking for someone to pass the baton to...I'm kinda contemplating doing it? Anyone have thoughts on this? Have you ever hosted a year long group? What are the challenges? Love to get some feedback!?
Off to sew, K
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Finished Clamshell Bag
All done and in the mail to my swap partner. I hope she likes it!!
Super challenging as the clasp came with a very basic pattern and no instructions. I really wanted the clamshells to line up on the ends so it was a bit wider than the pattern and the boxed corners didn't match up to what I had planned so I added more circles to the bottom so it all lined up. I really, really liked the end result and want to make one for myself now. I used Essex linen and a charm pack of 30's prints that I picked up at "The Road To Ca Quilt Show".
There may be another swap around the corner, you can check it out on Flickr.
Happy sewing, K
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
EPP Progress and Clamshell How To
I joined a cool little pouch swap and one of the requirements was in had to be 50% EPP. This is great because I love EPP!

So I peruse the interweb for ideas, look over my partners mosaic and decide I want to do clamshells. I find a lovely picture of some and am instantly inspired. Molly Flanders Pinterest. see her tutorial here.
First off I need some papers. I want 1 inch.
Nope... not found on the web unless I want to get them from down under. Too long of a wait.
Ok how to make my own?? Searching......ok her we go.
Grid paper? Check
Compas? Check. Uh oh this sucks!
Ok what next? Paper punch? Go dig it out....oops don't have to store! Ok got it!!
Punch on 1/2 grid lines, snip off corners.
PERFECT paper clamshells. Well..... not exactly perfect but they are working quite well!
Basting went fairly quick as I used a Gluestick and stylus to tuck in the seam allowances.
Here is one layout style.
Sewing them is a bit of a challenge. There are lots of blogs and Vidieos to help you along. This is what I chose.....
First you line up a row and whip stitch the side corners together. I did this for all the rows. Then I laid them on top of each other and used Roxanne's glue baste to stick them all together into 1 piece. Then I used an appliqué stitch to sew them all together, pulling out the papers as they got in my way.
At this point I prepped my fabric for the bag using my new Bohin 3 in 1 chalk pencil to draw my pattern onto my fabric. I then position my patch of clams onto this once again using glue baste to adhere for sewing. I did an unusual pattern with full circles for the bottom of the bag as you can see in the picture so that all the clams are going up when the bag is complete.
This is as far as I got with late night sewing. Changed the color order, I like this better. Just about done with the appliqué process.....Gotta go figure out how to make the sides go together. Hopefully it's going to wrap around and line up!! Because I said so 😀
Happy Sunday Sewing, K
Linking up this week with WIP Wednesday and Ellas Cottage
Sunday, February 2, 2014
EPP Progress and Clamshell How To
I joined a cool little pouch swap and one of the requirements was in had to be 50% EPP. This is great because I love EPP!

So I peruse the interweb for ideas, look over my partners mosaic and decide I want to do clamshells. I find a lovely picture of some and am instantly inspired. Molly Flanders Pinterest. see her tutorial here.
First off I need some papers. I want 1 inch.
Nope... not found on the web unless I want to get them from down under. Too long of a wait.
Ok how to make my own?? Searching......ok her we go.
Grid paper? Check
Compas? Check. Uh oh this sucks!
Ok what next? Paper punch? Go dig it out....oops don't have to store! Ok got it!!
Punch on 1/2 grid lines, snip off corners.
PERFECT paper clamshells. Well..... not exactly perfect but they are working quite well!
Basting went fairly quick as I used a Gluestick and stylus to tuck in the seam allowances.
Here is one layout style.
Sewing them is a bit of a challenge. There are lots of blogs and Vidieos to help you along. This is what I chose.....
First you line up a row and whip stitch the side corners together. I did this for all the rows. Then I laid them on top of each other and used Roxanne's glue baste to stick them all together into 1 piece. Then I used an appliqué stitch to sew them all together, pulling out the papers as they got in my way.
At this point I prepped my fabric for the bag using my new Bohin 3 in 1 chalk pencil to draw my pattern onto my fabric. I then position my patch of clams onto this once again using glue baste to adhere for sewing. I did an unusual pattern with full circles for the bottom of the bag as you can see in the picture so that all the clams are going up when the bag is complete.
This is as far as I got with late night sewing. Changed the color order, I like this better. Just about done with the appliqué process.....Gotta go figure out how to make the sides go together. Hopefully it's going to wrap around and line up!! Because I said so 😀
Happy Sunday Sewing, K
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