Hello To My Quilty FriendsI have just this minute Purchased a new app for blogging on my IPAD. It looks like it has lots of fontchoices, bold, italics, underline, and strike thru. Yeah I could never figure that one out. I have font choices, I can change font color, oh so much fun. Font sizing is super easy too...
It has centering buttons here
Here and
Not sure what this one is going to do...it looks like it is supposed to justify but I'm not getting the correct look here.
You can insert YouTube or Vimeo videos
or photos right from your camera roll. Which doesn't work good on blogger.com and the iPad. Super easy here.

And you can resize and reposition. Woohoo this is great!!!!
I will be quilting this baby today. This is a unique font choice. It posts font above or below the current line of text...
- And customize its size.
- Bullets can be numbered or bullets
- Super cool.
You can make a tabbed list
Like this
And this
Nice feature
You can use the lightening bolt to do ??
or this cool It has a forward and back button and a HTML button that you can toggle back and forth to your page.the is a link button also, so I will add one here. This is the pattern I am quilting in the borders of this mini quilt.
This is my oopsie block that I had to pick out and reposition. And a pretty cool feature is you can copy and paste the entire post. I just did that because I wrote my entire post in the pages instead of the posts section of the blog. Now I can go back and delete the page.
You can even see all your comments or lack of while you are viewing each page and write back. I will definitely recommend the app for $4.99 totally worth it. Off to go sew, Happy Sunday, K