Zrobiłam też taga na tradycyjne wyzwanie weekend taggers – miał zawierać jakąś złotą myśl. To i ma, złotą myśl w kolorze fioletowym, żeby pasowało do pokazanej wcześniej kieszonkowej książeczki na drobiazgi.
Welcome to the new week! I am rejoicing because firstly, it’s going to be a short one (Independence Day celebrated on Friday), secondly – I am having almost a month-long vacation of free Saturdays. The kids from my Saturday Polish classes are going to various camps, and the “pastor” from our evening Polish church will spend a few weeks in Poland. So – I don’t know what I’m going to do with all this free time! :D Maybe I’ll crochet/knit a pile of blankets for the kittens from the shelter – last weekend I’ve manufactured two (one on the way to and from the state park we visited.)
I have also made a tag for the Weekend Taggers - it was supposed to show a "golden thought". So here is my favorite golden thought in purple, so it matches the keepsake album I showed before.
We haven’t had any movie watching for a while, so today I’ll share as many as three. Ale of them are very short, so there’s no need to stick any popcorn in the microwave. The first one is a souvenir from the windmill from Fulton by the Mississippi. A very cool structure, in working order, one can go inside and look, and there are also volunteers eager to share their knowledge and show exhibits.
Drugi filmik jest z wczoraj – z wycieczki do parku stanowego Matthiessen. Nie wytrzymaliśmy w domu i T powiózł mnie tam, gdzie sam był w tygodniu – do rzeźbionych w piaskowcu wąwozów z wodospadami. Więcej zdjęć będzie zapewne na Shutterfly (jak tylko uporam się ze sprawozdaniem z wojny sececyjnej), bo na każdym kroku można było pstrykać fotki.
The second movie is from yesterday – from the Matthiessen State Park. We couldn’t force ourselves to just stay at home, so T drove me to the spot hi discovered last week – to wonderful sandstone dells with numerous waterfalls. There will be more photos on Shutterfly (as soon as I get the civil war report done), as there were photo opportunities every step of the way.
Trzeci filmik też jest z wczoraj – widać na nim, co rośnie na farmach w Illinois, a szczególnie w miejscowości Paw Paw.
The third movie is also from yesterday – you can see what grows on Illinois farms, especially around the village of Paw Paw.