Showing posts with label round robin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label round robin. Show all posts

June 6, 2008

Halloween RR

I think I have decided on a fabric for my Halloween RR. It is Witches Brew from Enchanted Fabrics. I am not as talented as some of the other stitchers in the dyeing of my own fabric, LOL.. Here is a picture of it..

Now to figure out my central design and how to lay it out...

November 24, 2007

Weekend finishes

I finished my first page of the Ackworth book and it is ready to move on now:).
I also finished my SBEBB Christmas Ornament...Now I am starting my NN ornie :)..

November 5, 2007

Ackworth Friendship book

A group of us and going to be stitching the friendship book together. Each of us has our own chart and we will each chose the color of floss and fabric and then we will each stitch a page for each other. Here are the colors my book will be and also a picture of the chart!

September 1, 2007

CCRS Countries RR - Susan

Susan picked an African themed RR. I did the bottom 1/2 of the picture you see. It is done on a very pretty aida. Now it travels on to Scotland

August 25, 2007

Tanya's RR

I mailed Tanya's RR on today. I finished the house in the middle of the other two as my part of the RR. It is a very pretty piece. Now to start Lin's...

August 13, 2007

Egyptian column finished

I mailed my RR on Saturday, it is headed to Scotland!! Here is the column I finished..

I also finished one exchange, a redwork which I made a scissor pocket for, I am very excited about the way it came out. I can't post it here because it is a secret till it gets there and I am almost ready to finish up my first biscornu!!!

June 14, 2007

Louise's Round Robin

from the Needle Nook. I finished my three squares on Louise's Round Robin. Here is the current picture of it. I am now working on my fair and square piece. I hope to get it done today..