Showing posts with label Foxy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foxy. Show all posts

Feb 7, 2014

Simple Valentine and Envelope

Hi Sweet friends, Lindsay here with you today!

For my Inspiration 101 post, I thought I would bring you a cute little Valentine/Envelope combo, inspired by a lovely picture from Pinterest.

Here is a look at the inspiration:

So, to start, I took a card base, and stamped my hearts, using the Foxy set.  These little images are perfect for creating clean and simple designs.

I then stamped a Valentine sentiment from the Just the Basics stamp set, using one of the pink inks.  I finished it off by rounding the corners.

To complete the set, I created a little envelope using my punch board from WRMK.  Super quick and easy to do!  I hope you were inspired to take a clean and simple design and try it out on your next project.

Thank you for joining me today!

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Jan 31, 2014

Operation Write Home

The group I'm profiling today is one of the largest and most widely known charitable organizations among card makers. Perhaps you've heard of it. Operation Write Home supports U.S. armed forces by sending blank, homemade greeting cards to write home on, as well as sending them cards of gratitude.

About Operation Write Home 
Cardmakers from the United States– and citizens of other nations too – who care about our military, and want to support them through creativity and encouragement participate in Operation Write Home since 2007. 

Care packages filled with hundreds of handmade cards are sent to our contacts, restocking every 6-8 weeks, and are sent in time for the long journey back home to loved ones. Each box is packed with great care, alternating styles, colors, and cardmakers from all over the United States creating “eye candy” for heroes who see only khaki around them. In addition to blank cards for soldiers, a plastic bag filled with 20-30 letters from adults and children across the country, are handed out especially to those in need of a positive word from the homefront.

Boxes are shipped every week of the year. Operation Write Home recently sent out its 2.5 millionth card! There is the solder with the 2.5 millionth card in the photo below!

U.S. soldiers from every branch of service - deployed all over the world - receive cards from Operation Write Home. Cards are distributed through chapels, MWRs, USOs, battlefields and living quarters at deployed duty station around the globe.

Want to see some of those recipients? Click here to see a slide show of soldiers with their cards. Grab a tissue. You may choke up a little.

 How to Get Involved
Operation Write Home has some unique guidelines, which you can find here. One of the most important rules is absolutely NO GLITTER.  What? No glitter? That's right. Glitter makes soldiers visible to someone with night vision goggles and puts them at risk as an easy target.

Another guideline to note is that they accept A2 cards (4.25x5.5") only. Because Operation Write Home processes thousands and thousands of cards a year, they need to be as efficient as possible. The more cards they can process, the more opportunities for soldiers to send something special to their families. 

You can get all the guidelines from their web site, which is chock full of really good information.

It's also important to note their deadlines. While you and I are thinking about Valentine's Day cards, Operation Write Home is already working on Easter and Mother's Day themes. Many of their cards go to remote locations, so they need to work 6-8 weeks ahead of time. Click here for a calendar.

Now, what soldier wouldn't love to give this silly card to his or her child! It's an A2 card with no glitter. If you lift the flaps, you can read some of the silly sounds in the song. My daughter loves that song. Apparently, her kindergarten class dances to it sometimes during brain breaks!

The card uses the new set Foxy, which is sold out, but will be back in the store this coming week. Trust me, it's an awesome set. Why do you think it sold out so fast!

Have a great weekend and please consider sharing your talent by donating a card (or two, or three or four) to Operation Write Home or any of the organizations I've profiled.

Annette Pin It

Jan 28, 2014

Technique, Mirror Image Stamping

Hello, it’s Nicole G., again, with another video technique, and I’m super excited to share this one with everyone.

This mirror image technique is so much fun to use, and it’s a great way to create really fun cards. I personally love to use this technique to create cute scenes or lovey-dovey cards—but go ahead and watch the video and once you've got this technique down feel free to use it your own way and have a great time!

I hope you learned something new - or if you already knew this technique maybe you're thinking of a new valentines card it would be great with - here's a snapshot of my card... 

I have to mention - the Fox set, it's sold out right now (I know, I'm not surprised either - it's so darn cute!) 

BUT BUT BUT - It will be back in the shop next week (or that's when we hope it will!) So be on the look out next week... and I'm sure Nicole, Ms. Sweet, will send out a newsletter letting you know it's back. SO, be sure to get on the newsletter list - HERE. (see below the screen shot of the newsletter sign up - it's on the bottom of the sweet stamp shop home page) 

The sets that you saw today and the sets that are featured in the card art.... 

Foxy (sold out right now) 


Baking Love 

Press It Wash It 

The Sweet Stamp Shop loves to see what you create using their stamps so head on over to the SSS Flickr page by clicking here, and share your cards and/or layouts using this technique (or any others). I hope you enjoyed this video and have a great day!
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Jan 17, 2014

Send Love Today

I have loved every organization I've profiled so far. Every cause is important, but the cause I'm profiling today is probably the most personal for me. Today's post features Send Love Today, a volunteer-based program meant to bring some amount of joy to brain tumor patients in the form of homemade cards and small gifts.

Two years ago, a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with brain cancer after having a seizure at the local swimming pool. Marilyn (I changed her name to protect her privacy) is a mother of three young boys who range in age from 3rd grade to a high school freshman. I met her at church several years ago. We were in a mom's group together when our kids were really young. Marilyn has had her ups and downs throughout this journey. She recently experienced some paralysis and was admitted to a short-term care facility. While she's home now, she struggles every day to do small tasks that we take for granted like taking a shower or even making dinner. Fortunately, Marylin has a huge support group, but there are many who do not. A simple gesture like sending a card can make a big difference.

About Send Love Today
Linda Thomas and Sandi Mueller formed the idea for Send Love Today (SLT) after the tragic death of Linda’s husband, Stacy L. Thomas (SLT). Stacy fought brain cancer for two and a half years before it took his life in January 2004. Throughout his illness, Sandi and other family members sent cards to Stacy as a form of love and encouragement. Stacy began to look forward to receiving these cards, and they became the bright spots in his otherwise pain-filled life. When Stacy passed away, it became extremely important to Linda to make something positive come out of this tragedy. Thus, Linda and Sandi developed the idea for Send Love Today.

Send Love Today provides emotional support and encouragement to brain tumor patients and their families throughout their difficult journey.

How to Get Involved
The first step toward getting involved is filling out the online volunteer form. Know that the cards you send are helping someone through a difficult time and bringing a smile to their life. If you are unable to volunteer in the capacities listed on the online form, but know of someone who is in need of cards, or know of a person or company willing to donate money to our cause, we would appreciate you forwarding us that information. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email us at

Helpful Hint: Do not put “Get Well Soon” on your card. Some options are: keeping you in my prayers; sending a smile; thinking of you; where flowers bloom so does hope, etc.

The card below uses two brand-spankin' new sets released just yesterday! I used Foxy and Anatomy of Love to create this friendly little Hello card.

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