Showing posts with label Anatomy of Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anatomy of Love. Show all posts

Jan 17, 2014

Send Love Today

I have loved every organization I've profiled so far. Every cause is important, but the cause I'm profiling today is probably the most personal for me. Today's post features Send Love Today, a volunteer-based program meant to bring some amount of joy to brain tumor patients in the form of homemade cards and small gifts.

Two years ago, a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with brain cancer after having a seizure at the local swimming pool. Marilyn (I changed her name to protect her privacy) is a mother of three young boys who range in age from 3rd grade to a high school freshman. I met her at church several years ago. We were in a mom's group together when our kids were really young. Marilyn has had her ups and downs throughout this journey. She recently experienced some paralysis and was admitted to a short-term care facility. While she's home now, she struggles every day to do small tasks that we take for granted like taking a shower or even making dinner. Fortunately, Marylin has a huge support group, but there are many who do not. A simple gesture like sending a card can make a big difference.

About Send Love Today
Linda Thomas and Sandi Mueller formed the idea for Send Love Today (SLT) after the tragic death of Linda’s husband, Stacy L. Thomas (SLT). Stacy fought brain cancer for two and a half years before it took his life in January 2004. Throughout his illness, Sandi and other family members sent cards to Stacy as a form of love and encouragement. Stacy began to look forward to receiving these cards, and they became the bright spots in his otherwise pain-filled life. When Stacy passed away, it became extremely important to Linda to make something positive come out of this tragedy. Thus, Linda and Sandi developed the idea for Send Love Today.

Send Love Today provides emotional support and encouragement to brain tumor patients and their families throughout their difficult journey.

How to Get Involved
The first step toward getting involved is filling out the online volunteer form. Know that the cards you send are helping someone through a difficult time and bringing a smile to their life. If you are unable to volunteer in the capacities listed on the online form, but know of someone who is in need of cards, or know of a person or company willing to donate money to our cause, we would appreciate you forwarding us that information. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email us at

Helpful Hint: Do not put “Get Well Soon” on your card. Some options are: keeping you in my prayers; sending a smile; thinking of you; where flowers bloom so does hope, etc.

The card below uses two brand-spankin' new sets released just yesterday! I used Foxy and Anatomy of Love to create this friendly little Hello card.

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