Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts

The Sweetest Thing! & DT News

Morning all!

So I have had a wonderful week! I'm mega mega excited to announce that i'm joining the C.C. Designs Design Team in March! I'm super super excited!!! I Adore C.C. Designs Stamps!!! I was so thrilled to be asked to join, i'm looking forward to getting to know the girls and working with some beautiful releases!!! So be sure to check out my posts when i start!!! eeekkk!!! exciting stuff!!!

Talking of exciting stuff!! Have you seen Ditzie Digi Designs? No?! Well where have you been? The fabulous Lisa from That Craft Place has launched her own brand of Digi Designs and they're mega cool! 

The one i'm showing off today is called...
Manzana & Strudel (yeah named after my kitty!) hehe! how cool....

tho unfortunately because i'm me i play around with my digis and chopped poor strudel out of this one for this card haha! but nevertheless it's a gorjuss digi! 

Here's my card for today! Which i'd like to enter to the following challenges
Deep Ocean Challenge - #70 Fantasy (Week 2)
Card Mania - (Week 2) Angels and/or Fairies
Digi Makeover Challenge - Anything Goes
Ooh La La Creations - (Week 
1) Use a Heart

♥ Card Recipe ♥

♥ C/Stock - Limetree Crafts Linen Coco
♥ DSP - My Minds Eye
♥ Mediums - Promarkers / Flexmarkers
♥ Stamp - Ditzie Digi Designs 
♥ Die Cut Tools - Silhouette Cameo
♥ Embellishments - Studio Calico (did you notice they forgot to x there t?)
- Flowers from wild orchid crafts & That Craft Place, Dew drops from stash
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today!
I'd love if you'd leave a comment to let me know your thoughts!

Love & Light
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Afternoon all!!

You may have noticed my tastes changing recently on my blog so i've listed alot of CC Designs, Magnolia & Lili of the valley stamps on my ebay account which you can find here... SWEET*N*CRAFTY

They're all on a 3 day listing and all start at 99p!! so grab a bargain or three!! hehe
You'll also be able to grab some of my handmade cards if you wish that are currently also listed and finish in just under 2 days!

I post worldwide! and combine on post! :-) 

Thanks for stopping by! xoxo

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New Linky Followers info...

Morning all!

As you’ve probably heard, the popular Google Friend Connect (“GFC”) is going away Feb 29th for non-Google blog platforms like WordPress, and 
the scuttlebutt is that it will be eventually phased out completely to be replaced by Google+.  YES you read that right. It has been on national news reports –all about how Google is phasing it out and not providing a service to move our followers–even saying the new Google+ will not be what the GFC was.  {If you have not heard that news – sorry to be the one sharing that news with you but before you start hyper ventilating–KEEP READING — I also have some GREAT NEWS.}  GFC was never really so much an “I follow this blog” tool as it was an attempt at the whole Facebook “friend, like” concept.

  Bloggers know a good “follower” tool is really needed and we’d like to have one that is not tied to a million other services (seems like Facebook, Twitter and Google are linked to everything else on the Internet).

SO... I've set up a brand new Linky tool right of my blog uptop as if your a follwer of my blog i'd love to keep you as a follower my followings it's going to take me a while to get around you all!! but ill be stalking you all!

Thanks for stopping by! xoxo

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Looking Back at 2011...

Heya all!

Well it's the last day of 2011!!! how are you spending new years eve?

ME?? Well it'll be the same as the past four years... me and hubby worked last night so very tired, so i imagin we'll have tea have a glass or two of vino and watch TV and normally i can make it to about 11.50pm then i fall asleep!!! lol

On my blog for the last few years i've posted a looking back post on new years eve just for fun of my favourite creations from each month and anything memberable from that month! as i love to look back! ! So here we go for 2011.....

Jan 2011 saw me creating new things altering things i'd never done including a photo frame you can see the original post here!


Feb taught me not to be afraid of adding things to give more dimentsion to my cards!!! My fav card this month had to be my gorjuss bee tilda!!!


March i erm spent an absolute fortune at the NEC! Well i always do!! someone has too!!!


As far as i can tell nothing really exciting happend in April yet i made some of my best cards that month!


May was a pretty boring month too hehe!!!


June's card have to be my favourite cards!


Strudel invaded my blog!


August i found a new love in stamps in simply sassy form!!!


see original post here


My proudest achievement in October had to be making My mum's Craft Shop DT!!


My favourite christmas critter!!!

I created one of my favourite xmas cards ever!!! hehe

well that's it 2011 is offically behind us!


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Morning all!

Just a quick checking in to let you all know i'm feeling a little better pain in my back is finally starting to ease... back to work tommrrow :( booo! but i gotta get some pennies for the NEC!! To which i now can't wait!! as i've seen so many lil things i want to get!!!

Anyways... just incase anyone's intrested I've some magnolias and TGF's and also some of my card's on ebay!
I will ship abroad too! :-) on most items... ya'll have to see the listings hehe

I'll be back later with a SMASH* post!!

Huggles Carlyann xxx

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Smashing Sweet!!

Hey all!

Thought i would pop in as i'm currently layed up on the sofa, my chest has gotten worse, went to doctors yesterday he's given me some strong antibiotics (if i could keep them down) im sure they'd help! I feel so down and out at the moment with being ill really makes me feel sad and not intrested in anything!.... sorry i won't depress you anymore lol....

I wanted to share my new obsession with all... alot of people don't know about something NEW! even though it's been out a while! it was released at CHA back in april.... what am i talking about???

The new Smash books from K&Co / EK Success of course! how did i find out about them... well i was randomly searching and blog hoping to revive my mojo when i came across this video! THAT WAS IT!!! totally hooked drove my hubby insane! I NEED ONE OF THOSE!!!

It was a little toughy trying to find one in stock as they're sold out everywhere in the UK bar one place... which i can't share as i'm wanting the other they have left in stock to add to my order later today hehe!!! but OMG! I know the idea isn't that hard to make your own version, and i know most places that did stock them like crafts u love will have them back in but not until 2012!!! well i can't wait that long!!

I think i like the whole concept of 'SMASHING' it seems so much more me!!! than normal scrapbooking which i struggle with... i'm so excited i've been collecting allsorts for my books, so much so i need them all!!!! I think this is something i could really stick at.... so.... whatcha think???

Have a peek at the vid and see for yourself!!!

I'll be back on wednesday i think with some projects off for a nap, unsure if ill go to work till later as the cough is exchrusiating pain!! (little rant here - doesn't it just bug you when your manager can see your generally ill yet says to you 'im disapointed in you for being off sick' yet others have days off and nothings ever said to them........) well..... morrisons isn't the best place to work for trust me! i'm fuming so i'll leave it there before i get wound up and cough again!

I'd also like to thank my lovely followers for popping in to wish me to get better soon, i read each and every comment that you all leave me they mean so much so thank you guys! i'll be having some candy next week which i'd love all of you to enter!

Huggles for now xoxox
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Let the Boredum commence... day 4!

Hey all!

Well it's Day Four in the land of redesigning my craft studio and i'm feeling rather....


Lol.... i didn't realise actually how much time i spend crafting until now! and the more i see the beautiful projects people have been making around blogland the sadder i'm feeling hehe!!!
Welll.... it's day four and the hubby is currently masking the skirting board and window frame to paint the last wall pink tommrrow! Just realised the voils i brought are compleatly the wrong pink! but hey i'll find another use for those!

Still hopping around blogland and tinternet for ideas for storage solutions, i'm pretty much ok with buttons and flowers it's mainly my stamps i've sooooo many its untrue but im impaitent and need results fast!! hehe, any tips on storing 6x6 and 8x8 papers would also be greatly recieved as mine are just bulk sat ontop of desk norm and look untidy!

i'm hoping FINGERS CROSSED tightly that hubby will paint the last wall tommrrow and then wednesday i can go get my wood to build everything in! so maybe done for the first day of my hols but that's 14 days away!

2 weeks!!! ok so out of those 14 days i'm at work 10 nights so it's not as bad as it sounds... wait a minute what am i going to do the 4 days i'm not at work... so here goes 2 of those 4 days i'll be zombied so ill not get much done anyway case of just catching up on much needed ZZZ'sssss so that's whittled it down to 2 days.... but then what about my evenings before i go to work...



Suppose i better get my lil self ready for workos!!

Catch ya laters!!

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Pink alert!! Warning sunglasses needed!! Day 3!

Evening all!

Well it's day 3 of the craftroom makeover! and i must admit i'm a squeezy bit excited now! I know who's sad enough to get excited over paint???! me,... well it's pink!! and ya know me!!!

I'm not taking pics of the room till it's all in and finished! haha tease you all a little more!
So i'm going to leave you with the hubbys pink paint tray from last night!! haha!!

on another note i found out i made top three at Jellypark challenges!!
Play along with us & win this badge! :)

woo hoo! that cheered me up not being able to craft! Tho i think the designing of my craftroom has come at the right time, seems i now have tendonitus in my left thumb! oh brill.... its been hurting a while but never this bad! i think i may just chop this hand off saves me the hassles!! haha

Ooooo and i made the top 5 at fussy & fancy friday too! yay go me! (makes me sad i can't craft now :( hehe!!

Have a fab evening!

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Fancied a change!

Heya all!

Thought seems i've not got any crafting goodies to use whilst my craft studio is being transformed i'd redesign my blog! hehe! can you tell... i've so much time on my hands!

Don't forget i have candy >> see the side bar or posts below...

I'll be hopping around blogland this next week seeing all your fab creations!

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Under the sea...


Ok i couldn't resist! Yep lil ole me has turned 26 today!

Thank you to those who've sent me birthday wishes and beautiful cards & girls i shall get round to thank you all very soon!

Hubby's in bed this morning so i'm off to my mum's shortly!

I've such a busy day ahead of me i thought i'd pop by to show you what I finished last night, i'd actually started making this card about a week ago but had to alter it and add bits to it as you do!

If your in the UK and you shop at morrisons (yes that's where i work) you may have noticed a disney promotion on at the moment! yay!!! but... bad news for those of us who work the night shift all night long on repeat are disney songs, it's ok for about two nights when you find yourself singing 'under the sea' or 'just a spoon full of sugar' after that it kinda drives you nuts!!

So... as under the sea from little mermaid is one of my favourite disney films that's what my card is themed from today! Of course naturally it had to be the lush magnolia mermaid tilda i used!

I wanted to create a little tag that went with my card which you'll see how it slots together in the finaly piccy below, i adore the new romance tag doohickey i actually keep forgetting i have it lol! I wanted my card to be really vibrant and pop in ya face so the papers from echo park are a must!

I'd like to enter my card to the following challenges:
Magnolia Stamp Lovers - Summer colours
2 Sisters challenge - anything goes
Crafty Calendar - Under the sea
ECP - Summer

 I'll be back tommrrow with the winner of my candy you still have till 7pm tonight to enter!!!


♥Cardstock - Stampin Up!
♥DSP - Echo park
♥Stamp - Magnolia Mermaid tilda
♥ Medium - Promarkers
♥Dies - Sizzix scribble swirls
♥Stickles - Diamond Ice
♥Dew drops - Crafty Notions

Thanks for stopping by today! Hugs xXx

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What a weekend.... & Sneak peek...

Heya all!

Thought I would pop by and update my lil ole blog as i've been so very busy with work again!
Seems to be ruling my life at the moment (need that to stop lol)!!! I'm also busy up in my craft studio with new Design Team projects and would you believe Christmas projects! (i know im starting early this year!!)

What a weekend i've had my washing machine seemed to decided to blow up on us! (quite funny....
Hubby walks in holding a pair of black trousers up to only what i can describe as a cat had clawed all over! looked in washer nothing.... very strange sounds coming from it till it went bang and realise something had punched through the drum! so that was the end of that!!!

So i'm having to borrow my mums washer whilst ours is waiting delivery on Wednesday! eeek!!!
And also i made one of the biggest purchases i've ever made!!!.... sadly not on craft tho!
New sofa!!!!! well it's a corner one 3 seats corner then 2! i sooooooo can't wait for that to be delievered!

So my weekend has flown by with little time to craft so i'm off up to the land of ribbons and sparkle for a few hours before work tonight! But before i do as i'm not sure if i'll post before Thursday.... here's a little sneak peek of a project that's coming to my blog very soon....

Feel like him of the tele... can you guess what it is yet???

Thanks for stopping by today i'll catch up with you all soon!
Hugs C xxx

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The Craft Garden Reminder!!!

Hiya all!

My gosh these days are getting by faster and faster!
I'm not having much luck in the sleeping department this week so very tired out! I'm counting down my shifts now until my holiday 9 nights to go! tho thats not including the 4 i have off! that means......... 13 days till i go to the NEC!!! oooo i so can't wait!!!

Just popping in with a little reminder to come follow The Craft Garden!!!
We have brand new challenges starting 1st April!
Pop over to see my postie!!

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Some Great News!

Hey Hey all!!

Quicky post from me! I'll be back tommrrow after some eyeshut with my latest Charisma Challenges Card, but for now I have to share a piece of my news.... i've lots coming up on my blog over the next few weeks and lots of annoucements!! yippppie!!

The first is.........

The Craft Garden are back up and running there monthly challenge blog just for fun!!! and guess what..... I'm on the DT!!!! Whoooo hooo! i so can't wait!!! so be sure to pop by the challenge blog follow us and pop back on the 1st of April for our challenge kick off!!!

Stay tuned for more news later this week!!!
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is a poorly girl!

Hey all!

Just popping into let you know i won't be posting till at least thursday this week I've managed to pick up some kind of bug from work including a nice razor sharp throat infection! urgggghhh i'll be back later in the week with some piccys of my shopping trip to hobbycraft yesterday! £160 worth of stuff for £30!!! and my hubby is taking me to another store this morning to see if it'll cheer me up! aaaawwww bless!

Thanks for stopping by! feel free to leave a message i can come pop by your blog too!

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Birthday Gifts...

Hey all!

Back with another post today!
I was up at 4.30am this morning couldn't sleep, well saying that i did stay up 27 hours before finally collapsing on the sofa last night and ended up in bed very early and as norm waking very early!

So... what bright spark idea did i have this morning?????

Let's plat changing rooms at 5am!! yep i decided to clean and move my craft studio around! my gosh there were a few F's being said this morning espech as i though i was clever to move my bookcase with everything still in it and CCCCRRRACK it fell apart!!! oooppssie! and yep my lovely hubby put it back together this morning trying to hammer quitely at 6am! not quite sure that's legal but hey!!! haha!!

My Mojo ran off and seriously left me for a holiday i thinks this last few weeks i've hardly had any go in me to create, after hours of looking for ideas and blog hopping nothing came to me, so when i finally finished sorting my room today i thought id give my brain alittle creativity and here's the result!!!

I'd like to enter my card to the following challenges:
Cupcake Craft Challenges: Something New (My gorjuss we R mem keepers papers!!)
Sweet Stampin: Try something Different (I've gone out of my pink zone and gone for greens eeekkk)
 By the cute & girly: Bling it on

Here's my card!
*C/Stock - Stampin' Up Very Vanilla
*DP - We R Memory Keepers Vintage Blue
*Sentiment - LOTV
*Stickles - Eucalyptus
*Stamp - Magnolia Tilda with presants
*Medium - Copics & Promarkers
*Flowers - Prima & others
*Brads from stash

Thanks for stopping by! hugs xx
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