Showing posts with label Nitwits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nitwits. Show all posts

I love ewe!

Morning all!

I'm an early bird again! even tho last night i was so tired i ended up going to sleep at 5ish!! This week at work has totally taken it out of me!!!
It's a brand new challenge at Charisma this morning!!

The lovely lora has chosen the theme: Easel cards! yay a free for all challenge! my favourite type!

Before i show my DT inspiration for this week....

Do any of you ever use the freebies that come with magazines? papers etc....
I've used the Nitwit freebies from a mag i'm subscriped to which i've never really done before sometimes i find the stamps you get free are so small to colour, or the papers are really zingy and in your face so i never seem to use them the piles in my craftroom seem to get bigger and bigger!

So yeah i've used the lovely nitwit collection this week on my card i didn't want to over fuss it, think that's because i'm so tired! lol looking forward to my holiday in a few weeks!!!

Recipe was kinda simple everything was nitwits papers except the lil buttons from woodware which are ohhh so adorable i love the pastels collections they do!

Thanks for stopping by today and hope to see you at the challenge!

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