Showing posts with label Craft Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craft Room. Show all posts

Welcome to my new craftstudio!!! DAY 18!!!

Heya all!

I didn't think for one second i'd be posting today! But... I got my butt into gear and started sorting after much nagging of the hubby as day 16 was pretty BORRRRING!! so he finally let me back in my craft room yesterday (soooo didn't want to go to work) but anyhoo, I was home this morning in bed for 4 hours up and unpacking!!!!

It's virtually finished tho we've got the following left to do... (ill tell ya on piccys easier!) lol

oooooo!!!!! how exciting! You won't see any of the underneath soon, as i'm putting material up on net cords to hide everything... just got to find the right pink!

Righto on with the tour... i think when hubby shows me how to use his camera i may do a youtube video so i can show you properly.. whatcha think!??! This is my Wall 'O' ribbon!!! hehe!! I have sooo much ribbon mainly my friend Emma's fault she erm is worse than me believe it or not!!! haha! of course i store my ribbons with ribbon rings such a fab way to see A what you've got and B so tidy!! hehe...

My Pink window!!! buckets full of ribbon ends and woc flowers! and of course CAKE!!! lol

I wanted a section in my craftroom for my cutting machines, something that was just plonked on a clapped out old desk before... so here's this bit, with all my ikea jars full of brads, eyelets, and gems etc etc.... and of course my heart of cards that i keep special cards from friends on!

Along side i've my inspiration desk... i wanted to have my hundreds of magazines (and yep i had to part with over half of the collection as they wouldn't fit!) so i could look through them when my mojo goes on holiday or decides he's had enough of pink so i brought some plain white maggie racks from ikea again lol to store them in! And of course i love the idea of the IKEA rails for my punches so that idea had to stay

♥To finish - robbies making me a new stickles holder as i've outgrown this one, so that'll be in my room this week♥

Underneath isn't finished, i plan to buy some pink material and hang like nets, so it hides all the underneath of the workspace just to make it a little tidy! but here we have drawers of cards, chipboards, nesties, flowers, punches, my 2 12x12 paper racks (full) oopss! and my SU collection along with my other unmounted stamps

I desp need something to go on this wall it's bugging me hehe... will have to make something tho i am a fan of 'keep calm' signs so i'm after one that says keep calm eat cake in pink (dunelm sell them but it's A3 i only need A4) so if anyone sees one let me know!! all my buttons and flowers and brads (yep more) and eyelets (again more) are sorted into drawers... Can't take credit for that idea it was emma's (emmas my DT buddy on charisma) but lives close by

This section isn't finished either.... those two stands holding pens and inks and other bits have got to be sanded down this week and painted white to match... but... ya know me inpaitent!!!

Underneath we have A4 pink boxes i brought from home bargains for 99p each these store my 6x6 papers in which you can get two lots side by side, and in companys of course, cd cases full of clear stamps ready to go into new storage once i get paid, cardstock and scrapbooks and then my magnolias (OOOO HOW I MISSED YOU!!!)

My last corner... full of all sorts, the top shelf is full of wooden stamps penny black, housemouse etc to name a few... second shelf down will be those spotty jars on the desk but i'm waiting for hubby to finish making the pole which will hold all my clear stamps in packs to dangle (again this is to do! lol) and my pink lappytop will live here!

Ok!!! i confess i have two boxes left to sort but i'm waiting on hubbs to get the pole made!!! (any excuse!!) haha

Last but not least i had to show you my spotty pink chairs i ♥ these! such a bargain too! £12 for 2!!!!

So that's my craftstudio up and ''NEARLY'' ready to go!

 But i'm thrilled i can finally go craft (talking of which that's where i'm heading!)
Thanks to everyone who's been leaving me comments the last 18 days you've all given me such encouragement and kept me busy in those hours of compleate and utter boredum!! lol

Let me know what you think to my new space!!!

Huggles xxxx

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Let the Boredum commence... day 4!

Hey all!

Well it's Day Four in the land of redesigning my craft studio and i'm feeling rather....


Lol.... i didn't realise actually how much time i spend crafting until now! and the more i see the beautiful projects people have been making around blogland the sadder i'm feeling hehe!!!
Welll.... it's day four and the hubby is currently masking the skirting board and window frame to paint the last wall pink tommrrow! Just realised the voils i brought are compleatly the wrong pink! but hey i'll find another use for those!

Still hopping around blogland and tinternet for ideas for storage solutions, i'm pretty much ok with buttons and flowers it's mainly my stamps i've sooooo many its untrue but im impaitent and need results fast!! hehe, any tips on storing 6x6 and 8x8 papers would also be greatly recieved as mine are just bulk sat ontop of desk norm and look untidy!

i'm hoping FINGERS CROSSED tightly that hubby will paint the last wall tommrrow and then wednesday i can go get my wood to build everything in! so maybe done for the first day of my hols but that's 14 days away!

2 weeks!!! ok so out of those 14 days i'm at work 10 nights so it's not as bad as it sounds... wait a minute what am i going to do the 4 days i'm not at work... so here goes 2 of those 4 days i'll be zombied so ill not get much done anyway case of just catching up on much needed ZZZ'sssss so that's whittled it down to 2 days.... but then what about my evenings before i go to work...



Suppose i better get my lil self ready for workos!!

Catch ya laters!!

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Warning!!! Craft Theif about!!! & randomness! Day One! & BLOG CANDY!



look i woke up this morning to find....

woywdw??? NOTHING

it's all gone! arrrgghhhh!!

Suppose it was nice of the thief to leave me a table.... not much use without the craftyness!!!

HAHAHAHA! I'm only joking!!! tho they did leave two pots of paint!! My lovely friends Emma & Allison came to help me box my craft room up yesterday and my last late night count of boxes was and impressive 98!!!!!! eeekkkk! considering i only moved to this house a year and a half ago and it was in 20 boxes then! ive erm got some explaining to do to hubby... he's not impressed... the best bit.... i found stuff i didn't know i even had!

I was going to sort out as i packed but gave up that idea when i started the first drawer! lol so i'll sort when i unpack so ya may wanna keep an eye on my ebay account in a few weeks! they'll be LOADS going!!!

i'm soooo excited tho, it's going to be PINK!!!!! YAY!!!! hehe and hubbys building it all in properly for me!!!
oooo the only bad thing is... it's day one and i'm missing my craftyness already!! eeekkk what am i going to do with myself for three entire weeks??? suggestions please!!!!!

I've some scheduled posts for my DT commitments but thats not the same is it.........................

well bring on the boardum i guess (i know i cant spell) now stop all your crafty inspiration things now because im not looking as ill sulk (ok ok i will!! hehe) i cant resist.

Suppose i better go help fill some holes in, looks like dot to dot on the walls lol....

be sure to leave me a comment on my postie, I HAVE ZILLIONS of spare time so i can drop by and see your wonderful blogs! oooo and just so's ya know i'm holding some candy! in celebration of my crafty room....


Everyone loves candy right so how's about this little lot...

One lucky bloggy crafty lady or ladette of course! could win all the goodies i've just placed an order for at the glitterpot!

All ya have to do is...

♥Post above piccy on ya blog (sidebar if ya put them there)
♥Follow me (that's upto you!!)
♥erm...... leave me a comment below.... in your comment give me a crafty storage tip (really need some about stamps!!) haha but anything crafty will do! I need advice!! haha (**This is a must for the candy draw!**)
♥Leave a link to your blog where i can contact you on the mr linky below

*If you don't have a blog you can still take part just leave me some tips below along with your email address!!*

(All entrys and links will be checked to meet criteria, as it's not fair on those who do follow and read my blog on regular occasions, not just to enter for candy)

Closes 28th September!

Good luck
hugs carlyann xxx

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