Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2016

#29Faces Challenge Completed - Collage of all 29

So glad to have completed the #29Faces challenge successfully.  It was such a pleasure to see the work of all the participating artists and be inspired by them.  Here's the collage of my final faces.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

#29Faces - #29 of 29 Whew! Challenge Completed

#29Faces, #28 of 29 in the 29Faces Art Challenge hosted by Ayala Art. Wow! This was an intense but fun challenge. Complete 29 faces in 29 days. Done! So glad I made it all the way through. It was very inspiring to see the work of the other artists in the challenge. Here's my final face.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

#29Faces - #24 of 29 Wearable Art Tote Bag

#29Faces, #24 of 29 in the 29Faces Art Challenge hosted by Ayala Art. As a wearable artist I'm always on the lookout for ideas for converting my art work into something wearable. I had this very inexpensive ($5) polyester felt bag from Target. It's a thick felt with vinyl handles. The heathered gray felt has a lot of texture and was a great neutral background. This bag was just waiting for some artistic treatment. I loved #23, the girl with flowers drawing which I had watercolored.  I had done the face first and then decided she needed some flowers in her hair so I drew a variety of flowers which I also watercolored and added to the face.  I did a simple image transfer on this bag and am thrilled with the results!!  I may not be finished yet, I think it may need some embellishment to highlight some of the details.

Friday, September 23, 2016

#29Faces - #23 of 29 Girl with Flowers

#29Faces, #23 of 29 in the 29Faces Art Challenge hosted by Ayala Art. I drew a variety of flowers and added them to the girl in #23. I took a photo of each drawing and brought them together in Photoshop.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016

#29Faces - #18 of 29 Regal Face

#29Faces, #18 of 29 in the 29Faces Art Challenge hosted by Ayala Art.  I'm very new at watercolor and this did not turn out as I hoped but I generally like the face.  With practice my coloring will improve!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

#29Faces - #15 of 29

#29Faces, #15 of 29 in the 29Faces Art Challenge hosted by Ayala Art. Using measurement to draw eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips.  Not overly precise but it does help as a reference.