Showing posts with label Sculpture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sculpture. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2019

It's been a long time!

It's been way too long since I last wrote here on my blog. The noise and shallow chatter of Facebook seems to get in the way of the writing of more considered posts here on my blog. I have therefore resolved to make sure I post at least weekly, as I used to, because I find I can express myself more clearly when I'm not dashing off a quick FB post or reacting to some political rubbish that I probably shouldn't even bother with. It's such a waste of time and effort! Even if nobody ever looks at my posts, I still enjoy blogging.

At the moment I am in a mad dash to the line to get the last pieces completed for the "IMAGES" exhibition in Hobart (Long Gallery in Salamanca Place) It opens at 8 am on December 19th for any of you based in the South of the state and inclined for an early morning art experience........and CHAMPAGNE!

Here's a sneak peek at some of my pieces for that show....

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Assembling the Unassembled

When I start a mixed media assemblage piece, I usually start with a rough sketch with just enough information so that I don't lose the idea, because sometimes it takes me a while to get around to actually making it. Here is the sketch for my latest piece: "Artemisia's Chest #2"

I then start assembling all the pieces I need to make the piece - a combination of found objects and sculpted parts, usually. I play around with these bits and pieces before committing to the final arrangement.

It is then a process of permanently joining all the parts together into a cohesive whole. Usually, because there is a great disparity between the materials, I use layers of colour to harmonize everything and make it look like it all actually belongs together!

 In this piece, I sculpted one foot, two hands and a head. I made a stiffened felt conical hat and everything else was found: empty silkworm cocoons, fabrics, driftwood, rusted, flattened hose wrapping, a tiny jar, snake bones, a pulley, a box and some plywood.........a whole bunch of very discrete things pulled together into a cohesive whole. I have been fascinated by some of the interesting feedback I have had about this piece - some see it as a statement about lost childhood, which is something that had not entered my mind! Mostly, I work fairly intuitively when I'm making something like this.....I like meaning to be hinted at, but not spelled out. After all, those looking at it have to do SOME work!
The doors are hinged, so the cam be closed.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Upcoming Exhibition

I'm participating in a group exhibition in Adelaide, South Australia later this month entitled "THE DOLL REDEFINED" I think there are around thirty participating artists, so the work should be interesting and varied. It's at Gallery 1855 in Tea Tree Gully, opening on the 15th April at 2.00 pm.
As a native of Adelaide, I'm excited to be showing my work there and looking forward to the opening. Here are a some of the works I'm showing..........


Thursday, March 15, 2018

New Work

I must apologize for not posting more often.........getting this house and garden licked into shape takes a lot of my time! At the moment I'm repairing and painting the roof while the weather remains warm and fine. I have broken the back of it - should be done in a week or so if the weather stays dry. You can read about it on my other blog:    

Meanwhile, I AM working on my artwork - I'll have work in an exhibition in Adelaide next month - I'm busy completing the pieces so I can send them next week. The exhibition is called "The Doll Redefined" - should be an interesting diversity of work!

Here is a selection of work I've completed recently:

Mr Foxx Out Strolling - jointed cloth with a sculpted cloth-covered head. Painted and embroidered.

"Cirque Des Enfants" No 8 in a series.

"Transmutation - Mor-Rioghain"

"Spiritus Loci 2" w.i.p.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Enigma Stones

I'm starting work again on a few sculptural pieces.........this is number 7 in the "Enigma Stones" series. Small mixed-media sculpture painted in monochromatic greys.

I have a couple of exhibitions coming up, so I need to get together a  reasonable body of work.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Enigma Stones

"Project Bathroom" is almost done! I'm just waiting on a couple of deliveries of hardware and then I can hook it all back up........can't wait for that first shower in a much nicer space!
will take you to my other blog if you want to see what I've been up to. I did employ a few measuring and sewing skills to make a roman blind for the bathroom window - practice run for the others I want to make for the house.

I've been finding it difficult to get back into my normal work rhythm after all the hard work in the bathroom, but I'm trying to be disciplined..........I have an artist demonstration day coming up next month and I need work to show and hopefully sell, so I've been making a few more in the "Enigma Stone" series. This is no. IV and no. V is almost done as well. I'm catching up on orders and generally slotting back into life as it was Before Bathroom Reno!


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

More Mood Indigo

Here's the second piece in - for want of a better title - I'm calling the "Mood Indigo" series. Lots of references to books, words and poetic ideas in this one. This is a mixed media assemblage piece: the head is cloth over air-dry clay, painted with artist's acrylics with inserted "pages" made from water-colour paper; the torso and hands are sewn fabric, painted; bundle of painted sticks in the lower opening of the box and there is a tiny glass phial containing a scrap of peer with a poem on it held in the hands.

……and something a little more prosaic - a tiny baby - jointed cloth body with needle-sculpted hands and feet, cloth over clay head painted with artist's acrylics, hand-knit leggings and cap and cotton gauze smock-top:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Bit Of Indigo

I love the colour indigo……such a dark mysterious blue!
My latest piece is painted mostly in indigo, with a bit of white and flesh colour thrown in. But the overall mood is indigo: Mood Indigo.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Something To Crow About?

I have just completed this crow - about half life-size. he is made from fabric over an air-dry clay form with legs made from wrapped wire. The whole thing was sized and gessoed and sanded smooth and then painted with artist's acrylics. All the feather details are achieved with paint. I'd like to do an interactive group of these in different poses. I think I will!

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