My first project (which has taken me a week to do - but thats cos there were two of them), were my kitchen chairs.
This is what they looked like before:
Mind, I had started to sand them before I remembered to take a picture, so this shows one of them that I had only just light sanding too. Isn't it an ugly, unloved piece of furniture!!
This is what they look like after:
Not bad eh!!
I'm really pleased with the finished result especially as its all my own work.
I sanded them, primed them, painted them red in places,candle waxed them painted them cream - 3 times, then wire wooled them to bring out the red paint slightly and give that distressed look to them.
What do you think, think they look the part!!
The cushions on the seat are from Laura Ashley and are red and cream checked gingham, I loved them as soon as I saw them, and bought them in readiness for this project.