Today is my birthday!!! OOOh I love birthdays LOL!! I have received some wonderful things, with more to come so I am told.
So the first thing I would like to do is to thank folks for their good wishes and some wonderful cards and gifts - BIG HUGS and Thankyou, I appreciate them.
Well the first thing I will show you is the wonderful mailart envelope I received from my mum - its gorgeous and I love it, I hid my address using what I think will be a few from my last bunch of sweet peas this year. Inside the envelope was some beautiful fabric and some pretty buttons - mum informs me when I go to her home next weekend there are gifts from her and dad waiting for me.

Next to show you is this beautiful bag which
Helen has stitched for me - thankyou sweetie I really love it, its so me and so apt for me, I really appreciate it and your stitching as always is perfect.

I received 2 total surprises in the post, one was from
Dianne Dianne and the other from
Sue , Dianne sent me the pretty Marjoleon Bastin kit which is just so lovely and Sue sent me the Brightneedle chart - Bless the cooks which was on my wish list, Thankyou both so much it was a total surprise.

Gels sent me a lovely box full of goodies - she does spoil me, in it was the JCS 2006 ornie mag, PS 2006 Santa and the fabric to stich him on, some Mary Kay moisturiser which I love and also chocolate covered pretzels, which I adore - Gles first sent me them a few years ago and I have been addicted to them everysince, she also sent me some bee things a gorgeous tin garland whcih has bees and hives on it and a beehive stencil.

I have also received lots of lovely e-cards, people are so kind - thankyou.
Ish and Natty have both asked me where I get my charts from, well basically from all over the place, some I buy on-line (Elegant stitch, Sew n sew, needlecraft corner), a lot I get from ebay, others are gifts, exchanges, swaps and I go to a couple of different shows in the UK and hunt out supplies from there, plus a couple of bricks and mortar shops in the UK, I'm always looking out for new LNS 's also I have been collecting an awful long time.