
Showing posts with label Organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organization. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Birthday card organizer box

I decided I needed a place to put all my cards so I wouldn't forget to mail them out for birthdays. I had a "book" that I made to keep them all in but never used it. Hopefully I'll actually use this book and send out my cards on time. 

Check out the video on the box 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Coupon holder with Notebook

I was in a meeting at work about records retention. I was a little bored to say the least and started to doodle. My doodle became a coupon holder with notebook. Hope you enjoy. ( Did I mention the meeting was boring!!)

This is the cover. I didn't want to add too much bulky embelishments so they wouldn't get caught up on things in my purse. 

This is what the organizer looks like all opened up.

This is the left side where the pocket is. The pink rectangle is 3 1/2 by 5 1/2 perfect spot for picture. The expandable pocket is held closed with velcro

This is the inside of the cover which measures 4 1/2 by 6 1/2 again sized for a picture. 

And here is the  5 by 8 legal pad. I made a slit in the cover so it's easily replaceable. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Household Organizer

I bought this chipboard binder at Archivers. I covered it with CTMH paper. I just loved this paper. It's still one of my favorites.
I stamped copy paper cut in half with my initial and used for notes to teachers and anything else I had to keep track of. 

The pockets were made by folding card stock in half. I thought I would keep reciepts in there but they are all still in my purse somewhere. LOL
During the summer we have a lot of sports going on so I had to had a section for our sons baseball games and the REDS!

I just used page protectors to put all my charts/lists in so I wouldn't have to keep punching holes. 

This section is for groceries and meal planning. I would just take my entire binder to the grocery store and voila uncluttered shopping. 

I printed out several blank copies of my typical grocery list so I just had to write down the number of items I needed and crossed it off my list after it was in my cart. I never forgot anything when I used this. 

More places for photos

I created an address book in Excel and used printed multiple copies and put them in the book

I had a section will all the important school info such as bus times, ptc and school functions. I was never surprised at the last minute by the kids forgetting to tell me about something. 

I hand stamped several sheets of copy paper and stuck them in the page protector

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Message Center

I made this message board using a 12 x 12 sheet of card stock coverd with paper from CTMH. I then used stickey notes and cut a 4 x4 piece of cork board and attached to the base page as well as used a 4 x 4 sheet of dry erase board. I attached a strip of stickers to a strip of magnet and attached to the base page. The base page has magnets on the back to hang on the fridge.

All paper from Close to My Heart.

Thanks for looking