Showing posts with label Rambling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rambling. Show all posts

My cure for Mondayitis - la première partie (Part One).

Monday, March 3, 2014

I am not a fan of Mondays, to say the least... In fact it's almost impossible to drag myself out of bed on the best of days, add in two days of sleep ins and long relaxing nights with friends and family I find myself resentful, irritated and bitter - a real Monday Bigot.

As a self reflecting human I have decided I need something to look forward to, a Monday morning treat if you will. So I've decided to put together a few of my favourite little inspirational images that I am constantly finding on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram (you can follow me on all 3 by clicking on the embedded links, FYI) and compiling a weekly post to pass on a bit of encouragement from my Monday to yours. If you have any of Monday related tips feel free to share in the comments, sometimes we all need a dose of inspiration to keep calm and carry on.

Enjoy xox

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