Hey Everyone!
Long time no see! I know I keep saying I'm going to get back to posting on here more regularly, but I'm really going to put some effort into it this time! I think I might make a post on my typical "everyday" makeup and skincare routines because they've changed quite a bit since the last time I shared.
This is as festive as I got for Halloween >.< |
I think the biggest thing that has happened since I last posted is that I went to Japan for a month back in May/June. It was beautiful and amazing and there's so much to tell. I will definitely be making a separate post once I can organize all my thoughts and the bazillion pictures/videos I took.

Also, I still haven't graduated from university. Mostly because I keep changing my major and can't make up my mind. I have been wavering between art, foreign languages, and heath care. I think I know what I'm going to do though! My uni has a program that basically lets you design your own major if they don't have exactly what you want. I'm going to see if I can basically create a makeshift Art Therapy degree and keep my minor in Japanese. If it all works out how I think it will, I will basically have already taken 95% of the classes I need to graduate! My overall plan is to apply to grad school for Occupational Therapy. My uni has an amazing program that lets you get your doctorate in 3 years and I can really see myself being happy in that field since you get to work creatively with the human body and help people at the same time. I think my Japanese minor might actually come in handy too, because there is a city near me with a pretty large Japanese population.
I don't usually do New Years Resolutions, but I did make some general life goals for the new year.
- Get back into yoga! I used to be intermediate-advanced level when I did yoga twice a day, but now I rarely do yoga once a month! I've noticed a decrease in my flexibility and an increase in my stress. I also get more achey than I used to. Lately it's been hard to carve out the time (and space!) for yoga, but I want to make it a part of my life again. Even if it's only 2-4 times a week! An even more longterm goal is to try aerial yoga!
- Improve my general fitness overall! I've been managing stress in all the wrong ways lately and it's led to a bit of weight gain and overall sluggishness. At the very least I want to set aside 30 minutes for cardio every day.
- Live up to my potential. I'm someone who has gotten A's throughout high school and college with minimal effort. I think if I actually applied myself I could do even more, especially in Japanese.
Alright, well that's all for today folks. I plan to post again sometime this week or next week. Talk to you then!