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Featured Slider

Spring Rabbit Globe

  Easter is just around the corner. Next to Christmas cards, Easter is the next big card holiday for me. After a long hard winter, spring Easter cards are so much fun to make. They're hopeful and cheerful. It always makes me feel lighter when I make Easter and spring cards.

I made this card using an .svg pattern from Cricut Design Space. The image is called Happy Easter #M1479296E. This image is already a great card front but it is made even more awesome with brads and pearl bling from the store. It's so quick and easy to make a card go from good to great with help from Eyelet Outlet.


Thanks for stopping by today. If you are thinking about making your Easter cards this year, be sure to stop by Eyelet Outlet to pick up all your card making accessories and bling!

Happy Creating Everyone!

Janet YouTube - Blog - Facebook - Instagram - Pinterest

Caution! Game Night Might Be Fun

Hi everyone! It's Janet here today with a little game night fun. This features Eyelet Outlet's Caution Tape Washi and several brad sets with a game/movie theme. I don't know. This card just might get my teenager to stick around on Saturday night and show us his moves!

Art Impressions Gotta Garden | Double Z Fancy Fold Tutorial


Hi everyone! I'm here today with a fun fancy fold. It's called a Double Z Fold. I had fun making this especially since I haven't done a fancy fold in a while. As with most card folds, this one has a lot of flexibility and looks depending on the patterns, colors and embellishments used.