Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Lazy Sunday!

Sunday ... day of rest! And this applies to me, my husband and our 2 boys. We didn't do much today - basically chilled out at home and did laundry.

Thought I'd share some pics of Benji and Milo, our 2 boys (shitzus) having their Sunday snooze.

This is Benji, half way into dreamland!

And here's Milo - he can sleep with both his eyes half open!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hippie Dog

About 4 years back when I only had Benji (my white Shitzu) - by the way he's now 11 years in dog years (in human age he is 77 years, so he's about my dad's age) - I had decided to keep his coat long.

He's got a very thick coat and leaving it long meant regular combing to prevent matting. Now that I look back at those times, I don't think I'll ever do it again!

His hair got to a stage that was long enough to even braid it. I would tie 2 pony tails on top of his head and every time I'd take him out for a walk, passers-by would mistake him for a "girl" - that's because he looked very adorable. Don't you think he looks adorable?

Since then, I've now kept his coat short. Not for my convenience (well some ...) but more so for him. As Benji grows older, it's much more comfortable for him and he doesn't feel too hot when the temperature runs in the high 90's F.

This dog of mine has always been a rebel dog and has his own personality. He'll only come to you when he's in the mood or when he wants his tummy to be rubbed. He's a sucker for tummy rubs! Otherwise he'll just sit in his corner and just look at you from afar. I can sometimes call him until the cows come home and he'll still be sitting in his corner. He's probably thinking "what, you want me to come over ..... are you mad!" He doesn't like to play fetch as well - but he will do so for his favourite toy, yellow rubber ducks, but don't expect him to bring it to you.

Fat chance!

This is what he looks like now with his short coat!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's Bath Day!

How the week has flown past ... and it's already Sunday today! Can't even remember what I had done over the last 6 days. All I do know is it's Monday blues again tomorrow .... sigh!

Any way it's bath day again for my two fur balls ... that's my 2 shitzus, Benji (he's the white one) and Milo (you guessed it ... he's chocolate and white, hence the name).

Both love their bath times except Benji who hates getting his face wet. He has a double coat so really does look like a huge white fur ball. Both are absolutely lovable ... and after their bath they will both roll on the floor, pick up their favourite toys from their basket - a huge basket of toys at that - and will strew it all over the place. Milo will go berserk .. and will run up and down the living room area.

Some how or other Benji and Milo know it's week-ends ... I don't know how but they do. Maybe coz me and my hubby will wake up later than usual ... they have more treats and they see more of us than usual.

I guess they are just simple minded doggies and anything will make they happy!
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