I happened to chance upon this whilst doing a web search for recipes using palm sugar (or gula melaka which is the Malay name). Simple to do but absolutely decadent ... especially w
hen it calls for fresh cream! Supposedly palm sugar is not as sweet as normal sugar ... if you have not tried it before, it has a totally different taste ... hard to describe ... sweet, burnt caramel ... sweet sugary cinnamon smell.

It can be found as a ingredient in quite a number of Asian desserts particularly in Malaysia, Singapore and also Thailand.
I remembered that I had 2 blocks of palm sugar left over which I had bought a while back during a week-end trip to Malacca (this is a charming town in Malaysia, with lots of history). Now's my chance to use it and try something different - an East meets West dessert!
The entire cooking process took me approximately 20 minutes, quick and easy.
Final result ... all I can say is ........ YUM YUMILICIOUS!! Not forgetting the additional 200+ calories around my waist!
Palm Sugar PannacotaSource : Yani @ http://www.myresipi.comIngredients:½ cup fresh milk
1 cup fresh cream
20 g palm sugar or gula melaka
7 g gelatin powder mix with ¼ water
For the syrup 40 g palm sugar ¼ cup water
Method:1) Put in fresh milk, fresh cream & palm sugar into a pot. Stir and bring to the boil. Once boiled, remove from heat.
2) Put in the gelatin mixture & stir until the gelatin dissolves.
3) Put in some ice cubes & cold water into a suitable dish.
4) Put a bowl on top of the ice cubes & pour the pudding mixture into the bowl. Stir until the mixture is cooled.
5) Transfer into 4 small cups or ramekins & refrigerate for 1 hour. The pudding will set by then.
6) To prepare the syrup, dissolve the palm sugar in the water & pour onto the cold pudding.