Good morning and a very happy Tuesday. There's a new challenge today over at the Lost Coast Portal To Creativity, and it's to make an 'Inchie or Twinchie background'
Now I have to hold my hand up here and say that yes, I do know what inchies and twinchies are, but I've never made one, and I've certainly never made a background from them. There, that's my excuse in place. I literally had no idea what I was going to do, so I did what I always do in these situations
1) get out the nice new rubber, and
2) Wing it!
I started by making my backgrounds to chop up into inchies and twinchies. I wanted to use real metal sheets but you know when you tidy your craft room, and you move something that's been in the same, safe place for the last ten years.... yup can't find it, so I used metal effect card instead. I've used silver and blue - it's a bit hard to tell the difference here, but it shows up more IRL - I'm really getting through my bag of excuses today aren't I! This gorgeous steampunk stamp is Gears 2.
I wanted to make a journal page, so I made a background for my er background..... It all made sense at the time. Please refer to disclaimer/ excuse/paragraph 1 about never doing this before....
I've added the inchies and twinchies (spell checker really does not like these words) to the background and made some further inchie toppers ( I've nothing to lose at this point have I!) using some more new steampunk stamps.
and a Carmen's Veranda sentiment All Who Wander.
So please join in with our challenge, and make an inchie or twinchie background. What could be simpler - oh I don't know maybe giving a cat a pill!