I can't believe it's week 4 of
Linda's (at Studio L3) CoC Challenges already AND I'm still hanging in there. I usually manage to do a couple of weeks then real life kicks in and I go awol from my 'cutting and sticking' for a few months lol.

Sooo Linda's got us all opening our books to page 49 - I would tell you more but she would have to kill me... I guess I can tell you that this week is 'shabby chic' AND I can show you a picture of my recipe 'cos I've learned how to add another pici to Blogger. Well yeah I hear you all mutter.. it's simple - well not to
me :o). Took me hours last Sunday messing about, and all I had to do was update my Blogger ....Thingy!
So we have paint, stamps water,the cat! and my bestest book all on the same table,.but I was very careful lucky and no book or animal was harmed in the making of this tag. A stamp did have to be unwrapped and now it's dirty but I'm ok about it :o) Oh yeah I had to cut into my grungepaper too..
I am so enjoying these challenges I don't know why they call Tim a genius, everything he does is really simple - just joking honestly, put down your pokey tools you angry mob lol. But seriously if you follow this book you will get brilliant results - I know 'cos I've seen all your blogs!
Thanks very much for looking and see you next week x