Showing posts with label Valentine Swap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine Swap. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Wow, the East Coast of the U.S. is being slammed with a freezing rain and snow storm. Stay safe everyone! Let's celebrate Rednesday today!

I received a package in the mail yesterday. I just knew it had to be my Spoolie Swap box from Chris of Perfectly Printed! You know it's gotta be something good when you open to pretty pink bubble wrap!

The first thing I see under the bubble wrap is a pair of socks! I LOVE socks!!

And, what was with the socks? Candy! Yippee!

The next layer produced a boatload of goodies: another box of chocolates, vintage Valentine cards, a pretty pink tissue bell, two vintage floral decals, a cute little "rag" bowl and a mini paper bag with L-O-V-E Scrabble letters. I'm on sensory overload at this point!

And the piece de resistance is ~ the spool! OMG, it's so beautiful! (Sorry it looks crooked, but I photo'd it on my couch) Look at all the pretty crocheted items, the ballerina, heart mold, pink ribbon, pearls, doilies, and . . .

a gorgeous antique calling card that says, "A token of regard for thee In this my simple offring, see".

Chris, you outdid yourself! Again, thank you SO much! Now, here's what I sent to Chris:

This is the spoolie, celebrating the Queen of Hearts ~

And this the the Valentine card/shadow box ~

I hope you all have a fun and wonderful Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Becky, Capricious Crafter and Patty, Patty's Pretty Things
Sandy, 521 Lake Street and Kari, DharmaCitta
Jenny, Jenny's Heart and Hope, Life According to Me (UK)
Linda, LBP Sews and "Bella", The Swapping Crafter
Jann, Have a Daily Cup and Katie, Katie's Recycle (UK)
Pam, Virginia Retro and Debra, It's All Good
Chris, Perfectly Printed and Sue, It's A Very Cherry World!
Mariah, designsby2 and Shirley, Zetta's Aprons

I think all, or most of you, know how these swaps work. With this one, you take a wooden thread spool, new or vintage. You can buy blank spools at craft stores.

Decorate it for Valentine's Day any way you want in a manner that you think your swap partner would like.

As I mentioned before, you can also add little gifts like candy, craft supplies, trinkets, and whatever you may think of. These "extras" are not mandatory, but always fun to give and receive!

Mailing deadline will be Wednesday, February 5 at the very latest. This gives you three full weeks to create! Make sure you contact your partner with your mailing addresses as soon as possible. If there's anything else you need to know, just ask!


Monday, January 13, 2014


Two things before I list the partners, which will be tomorrow:

1) I totally forgot to ask if anyone has a problem with swapping internationally. I have two wonderful swappers from the UK. If no one can do overseas, I'll swap with both of them! :)

2) PLEASE make sure that your email address is available on your blog for your swap partner to contact you. Unless you email them first!

Sunday, January 5, 2014



I have thought long and hard over whether to have a Valentine swap, and what kind. I finally decided to do a spoolie creation swap. Sandy, of 521 Lake Street, had an Easter Spoolie swap last year and I loved it! So, here we go!

This is a sample picture of what a spoolie craft looks like:

You can look on Google for more ideas. If you don't have, or can't get, a thread spool then "think out of the box" and use something else like a mini candle stick or a small salt shaker!

You can also add little gifts like candy, craft supplies, trinkets, and whatever you may think of.

If you would like to join, you must be an active blogger, and sign up below by Friday, January 10th. (I always accept stragglers, though!)

I will let you all know the details on Monday, January 13th.