Showing posts with label Tins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tins. Show all posts

Monday, June 1, 2015


Here are some recent finds while I was out poking around!

A nice sturdy vintage apron with an embroidered cook who looks like she's deranged or on happy pills or something, lol!

I love this gothic-arched display case from a yard sale.

Another red bunny cookie cutter to add to my Easter collection! The purple Wood and Sons, England plate now resides in my purple half-bath.

I don't know who made this blue vase, but I also have a yellow one just like it. The tin will get a makeover at some point.

A big basket to put annual primroses in on my shady porch, a Dickens Christmas Stories book, a wood cover for a scrapbook or craft, and a Mary Engelbreit address book!

This is the cake I made for my Becky's 18th birthday on the 22nd of May. The sticks are to keep the layers from sliding off. Becky had her last day of school on the 22nd also. She's now officially out of school; she will get a certificate of completion instead of a diploma. No idea what the future holds for her, but that's okay - I like having her at home!

Becky made the vase a few years ago in school, and the irises are 'Honorabile', an 1840 heirloom variety.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


What's my favorite thing about January? Is it "Christmas is over" . . . or resolutions . . . or my anniversary on the 12th (24th this year) . . . or the days are slowly getting longer again? NOPE!

My favorite thing about January is the Primroses in the stores, because they're my favorite flower! One of the local markets had them on sale, 3 for $5, so I bought six. I love the bright, cheery colors and the heart-shaped petals. These will go in the garden this Spring. Some will survive, some won't; doesn't matter - they make me happy in a dismal month!

Speaking of flowers, I picked up these smaller canisters at Walgreen's right before Christmas. They're not Flour and Sugar size, but just right to stash things in.

My mother-in-law gave us some money for our anniversary so, on Mister's day off, we headed to a few thrift shops - where else! One of the items I found was a bud vase (2nd from right, below) in a floral pattern that I collect. Two have the Sadler name on the bottom, a few say Made In England, the ginger jar says nothing. They're a bit on the pricey side (for me), for instance the bud vase was marked down to $10. Normally, I wouldn't pay that but seeing as it was our anniversary money, I splurged.

Monday, September 22, 2014


One little birdie was talking with another little birdie . . .

. . . and I have no idea what they said 'cuz I don't speak bird!

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Some of you wanted to see my kitchen table set up, so here it is. I didn't bother cleaning up around the table or waiting until K.C. moved out of the pic! I only have one round tablecloth, a pale yellow, which doesn't match the kitchen, so I'll have to start a new hunt. All my rectangle ones aren't wide enough for this; I need to get some solid ones to put under the rectangle ones.

Mister says it's solid, without a veneer. And it has FOUR leaves!

I went to the thrift store the other day and found this wonderful Homer Laughlin Harlequin blue creamer. It will match my H.L. Riviera collection that I've started!

I also found this nice, long Christmas welcome banner.

And, finally, the Find Of The Year! A Christmas List box! Why is this so exceptional? Because it's "brand new", looks like it's never been used with no scratches and the band still around the dividers inside. And, mostly, because it was only ONE DOLLAR! These babies are now in the $15+ price range online. I love the pop-up Santa when you open the lid. Yay me!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014



I was fortunate enough to be able to go to Home Goods yesterday while mo-in-law was at her senior exercise class. Then, after class, we went to her church's thrift store. Here's some of what I got (not gonna show you the undergarments purchased!):

Picked up this for Mister. Appropriate for him!

I was so pleased to see this little Cath Kidston twosome! Only $5.00.

At the thrift shop I found two delightful tins to add to my collection, and some braided "ribbon".

This is a stationery set, with verses on each card and artwork by D. Morgan.

Last is this ever-so-lovely print with a verse for Mother. I've admired these on others' blogs but have never seen any in my travels before.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


My sister and I went over to my deceased aunt's house to see if there was anything we would like. On the larger scale I will be getting my maternal grandmother's curved-front china cabinet, and what was my aunt's father-in-law's round dining room table - with claw and ball feet!

On the smaller side I took some wood thread spools, ribbon rolls, and a few other small items from her craft room. Unfortunately, we didn't have the same craft styles; she sewed and quilted. In the upstairs there was a box of figurines that I got excited about and took almost all of them. My nephew (her grandson) who lived there with her said there's another box in the attic. I hope I can get those, too!

A few Rednesday items to start with: an S&P set in the shape of cardinals. Two girl figurines, the one on the left is a Lefton.

This is an older candy tin in a pretty winter scene. You can see that the top was cut out to use for a bank.

Now for the non-reds! Love these little birds! They are S&P shakers, too. But, check this out - see these odd things in the bottoms? They are noise makers! You know those small round cans that, when you turn them upside down, they moo? These are like that . . . except these don't work. What a novel idea!

I was so excited to see this Shiny Brite box but, unfortunately, it's empty. It is in excellent condition, though.

Last, I'll show you these adorable mouse figurines. Love the chains! My grandma had a chained set of deer way back when. Their expressions are priceless!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Thanksgiving greetings to all you U.S. citizens! Enjoy your food 'n football tomorrow!

Hey, don't forget about my Christmas Swap! Sign up in the post before this one.

Hello, Sunshine! I went outside early this morning before school and snapped a photo of the frost that covered everything. It was so beautiful! Of course, pictures don't do it justice. (It was so thick that Becky thought it had snowed out!) I cropped this photo but, then afterwards, noticed on the original pic that there was a pretty little rainbow down in the corner . . .

The sun reflecting off the frost! And there's the red - in the rainbow! God's promise that He'll never cover the entire earth with a flood again.

I filled a shoebox for the annual Operation Christmas Child. I was feeling all pleased with myself as I left it on the table at church but then when I was going to the parking lot in walks a family carrying 6 boxes! Well, that humbled me pretty quickly!

My sister always gives me a bag of little goodies for my birthday each year. Last week she included some cupcake papers - Mary Engelbreit and cherries. Made my day!

Here is an Autumn vignette on my craft table. Except for the spotted feather, they are collected on the ground under and around the bird feeders.
I guess that's enough for one week! Enjoy your holiday!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hi everyone! Welcome to another Rednesday!

I love my giant red 'Fireball' Hibiscus!

Picked up a few things at the thrift shop this past week ~

A nice red vintage matchbox holder . . .
A festively embroidered dresser scarf . . .
And the cutest little vintage Christmas bell ornament!

I have to tell you about the visitor we've had here the past four days. Might become a permanent resident! It's a banded pigeon. (I can show his pic because he has red feet, which you can hardly see!)

He spends most of his time on top of the shed and the barn. I was able to get close enough to read his band and looked up on the internet to find his owner. Fortunately, he lives about an hour away. The guy came up on Monday and, after three hours, was unable to lure the bird to be caught. He said that if I'm able to catch him (huh?) to put it in a cardboard box with holes and call him. Or, hopefully, it will eventually fly home.

My only concern is that one of my four cats might get it, but I'm not going to babysit the bird or keep the cats indoors! Maybe I'll just call it Pidgie!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Hi everyone! Do any of you follow the old-time list of what chore to do on which day of the week? I certainly don't! I just can't imagine doing ALL the laundry on one day!

I got out to the thrift store on Saturday and purchased a few little goodies ~

I was excited to find this Texan cookie tin in good condition - nice price, huh?

A cute little vintage card (feel free to use it) ~

 And, a non-red doily thingy!

Here's a pic that I got from Top Gear UK. It's the new Ferrari F12 Berlinetta. Forget the car! I LOVE the house behind it!!

 On Africam, to go along with the Olympics, we made up our own "Africam Olympics". There are three cameras at three different locations in South Africa so each night we count which one has the most critters appearing!

How's about a (partial) family photo to end this post with! Monday was Mister's brother Stephen's birthday, so we went down the street for cake and ice cream. From left to right: Stephen, Joyce (the mom), Mark, my Katherine, Mister (Lee), and Henry (the dad). I'm not in it cuz I took the photo!