First and foremost I believe in freedom and freedom of choice. That's part of what makes America America. I loathe being told that I have to do something instead of being able to make the choice myself. I believe in a clean environment and healthy eating and all that stuff, and practice it most of the time - just don't like Big Brother telling me to do so.
Here are three issues that I would like to make my own decisions on, not being forced to comply:
(1.) Paper or Plastic. I heard on the radio this morning that the town of Brookline, MA (borders Boston) voted last night to bar eating establishments in town from using Styrofoam beverage cups and takeout food containers.
I learned from searching the internet that these #6 styrofoam containers can be recycled to make baseboards and moldings for the home. Unfortunately, only eight states have special recycle centers for them, Massachusetts not being one of them.
(2.) Incandescent versus fluorescent light bulbs. Now, I know there is no law that says you can't use incandescent bulbs. The law states that, through a phase-out over the next few years, bulbs must be 25 percent more energy efficient. But, I like my light bulbs! It's frustrating that stores are emptying their stock of incandescents immediately so you can't find them.
(3.) Bad trans fat versus good trans fat. Yes, I like being healthy, don't we all? But I sure miss the taste of the old McDonald's fries!
I don't eat there every day, or every week so, to me, it's not fair that I can't have those great-tasting fries once in a while. Did you know that bad trans fat, known by the name hydrogenated oil, is a synthetic? Hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, which changes the shape of the fat molecules, causing the oil to become more solid. This trans fat is an unnatural substance that is dangerous to health. But I feel that, like candy, it's a treat to be enjoyed once in a while, not every day. (Man, if they ban sugar, then I'm definitely revolting, lol!)
So, there you have it. I want to eat fatty fries from a styrofoam container under the glow of an incandescent light! It should be my choice!