Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Time to rant! Ignore me if you want to. (Rednesday post is previous to this one.)

First and foremost I believe in freedom and freedom of choice. That's part of what makes America America. I loathe being told that I have to do something instead of being able to make the choice myself. I believe in a clean environment and healthy eating and all that stuff, and practice it most of the time - just don't like Big Brother telling me to do so.

Here are three issues that I would like to make my own decisions on, not being forced to comply:

(1.) Paper or Plastic. I heard on the radio this morning that the town of Brookline, MA (borders Boston) voted last night to bar eating establishments in town from using Styrofoam beverage cups and takeout food containers.

I also know that many towns and cities around the country have also banned these containers. Personally, I'm not a big fan of styrofoam but, honestly, how many trees are there to make that many more paper containers to replace them?

I learned from searching the internet that these #6 styrofoam containers can be recycled to make baseboards and moldings for the home. Unfortunately, only eight states have special recycle centers for them, Massachusetts not being one of them.

(2.) Incandescent versus fluorescent light bulbs. Now, I know there is no law that says you can't use incandescent bulbs. The law states that, through a phase-out over the next few years, bulbs must be 25 percent more energy efficient. But, I like my light bulbs! It's frustrating that stores are emptying their stock of incandescents immediately so you can't find them.

(3.) Bad trans fat versus good trans fat. Yes, I like being healthy, don't we all? But I sure miss the taste of the old McDonald's fries!

I don't eat there every day, or every week so, to me, it's not fair that I can't have those great-tasting fries once in a while. Did you know that bad trans fat, known by the name hydrogenated oil, is a synthetic? Hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, which changes the shape of the fat molecules, causing the oil to become more solid. This trans fat is an unnatural substance that is dangerous to health. But I feel that, like candy, it's a treat to be enjoyed once in a while, not every day. (Man, if they ban sugar, then I'm definitely revolting, lol!)

So, there you have it. I want to eat fatty fries from a styrofoam container under the glow of an incandescent light! It should be my choice!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Gee, I thought "everyone" has heard of whoopie pies! Here's my recipe, which was my mother's, from back in the early 60's.


Preheat oven 350F

Sift together:
2 Cups flour
1 tsp. baking SODA
1/4 tsp. salt
1/3 Cup baking cocoa (Hershey's, etc.)
1 Cup sugar

Add one egg, 1/3 Cup oil (vegetable, canola types), 1 tsp. vanilla, and 3/4 Cup milk

Grease one or two cookie sheets, even if they're non-stick. Drop mix on sheets, like you would cookie dough, with a heaping tablespoon. (I use a serving tablespoon, not the measuring one.) Bake for 12 minutes. This will make approximately 24 pie halves, or 12 complete pies. Oh, by the way, they look like cookies, too, but soft!


1 Cup Confectioner's (powdered) sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
3 Tbsp. Marshmallow Fluff (no substitutions)

Mix the butter and sugar, then add vanilla, then Fluff.

This makes exactly enough filling for the amount of pies in the recipe but, personally, I like a lot more filling! You may want to add an extra half, or whole, recipe to make more filling.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now, for those of you who don't know what Fluff is, it's . . . sugar, basically! It might not be available everywhere, so check some online whoopie pie recipes for alternate fillings.

I don't know about the rest of the country but, here in New England, we all grew up on fluffernutters - the ultimate in 60's comfort food! I still eat them often! Fluff was created right here in Lynn, Massachusetts!

Here is the website for Fluff, if anyone is interested in the history or recipes. They even have a "Fluff Finder" to locate places to buy it.

Now, with my New England Patriots playing in the Super Bowl tonight, I had to decide on what Mister and I will be eating. We don't do any "parties" - just the two of us, so it's usually just chips and soda. This year I decided to make meatballs in the crockpot for subs (hoagies, grinders, etc.),

and I splurged and bought some beer! Mister doesn't drink at all, and I just drink occasionally because it's awkward around him but, this is the Super Bowl, man!

(click here for the history of Sam Adams beer)

Foxboro, Mass., which is the home of the Patriots, is two towns over from where I live. I grew up in the town between Medway and Foxboro - Norfolk (or as we say in this state, Norfawk!) - and we could hear the cheering at the stadium, or concerts, if we were outside!

I just realized that Fluff, Sam Adams beer, and the Patriots are all local yokels! It's definitely a home-grown weekend. I sure hope my team wins tonight!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I made Whoopie Pies this afternoon. I love these delectable things!

Not enough frosting, though - next time I'll 1-1/2 or double the recipe!

Wish I had a heart-shaped pan to make some like these from Williams-Sonoma.

Late this afternoon, Katherine and Becky went over to their grandmother's, down the street, for supper. K's diet consists mainly of bagels and cream cheese (the Asperger's and Sensory stuff, y'know). She decided she wanted to try some "new" food, so mo-in-law cooked her some chicken, baked potatoes, and corn. Becky walked home after about 20 minutes because nothing looked good to her. K's been there for about an hour and a half. I hope she comes home with a new food added to her short list!