Since I decimated my website while I take time to reorganize it, I am going to begin posting some pictures of quilts I have made in the past. They will not be in any particular order. Rather, I am going to group them by subject, technique, style, or whatever seems to fit the set of quilts that I select. I will be posting more photos, so come back often.
The first set of photos are pictoral applique quilts. I really love making these kind of quilts; they "come alive" as I make them. Take a look...
"The Barrel Racer" This quilt shows a barrel racer at a rodeo -- the rider is racing around one of three barrels, in a contest to make the loop in the shortest amount of time. I loved doing this quilt because it showcased a woman in a rodeo competition. I made it to represent my local "Go Texan Rodeo Committee" at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. It managed to help garner a $10,000 scholarship for a local student - and that's what I call a win-win situation!
I made this quilt back in 1992 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Columbus' voyage to the New World. It was only the second pictoral quilt I'd ever made. I had always wanted to find a use for a "cartouche" (that scrolly-frame around the ships and Columbus) in a quilt, and this quilt seemed to beg me to use one. Notice the three gold stars in the upper left. They are gold lame' fabric. I was invited to have some fabric flown onboard the Space Shuttle Columbia in 1992, so these stars spent a lot of time on their own voyage; they traveled 5.7 million miles and completed 221 orbits of the earth. This quilt holds invaluable memories of the years I worked for NASA.
This quilt was really a "practice" piece for me. I have always wanted to make a pictoral quilt of my children - but I know that I need to work on technique first. This was my attempt to work on technique.
"Apple of My Eye"
And finally, here is a pictoral quilt of my 3-year old grand daughter. When I made the quilt, she was actually carrying a bucket of seashells down at the beach, but my local quilt guild had challenged everyone to make a quilt with a "fruit" theme. Hence, she suddenly started carrying apples (or so it seems!). I promise to reshoot the picture and replace it with a larger one at some point...
Okay - that's enough posting for me for now. I'll post some precision-pieced quilts in a few days. Happy stitching to everyone!
(c)1992-2008 Susan H. Garman