It has been a few weeks since I have had time to design or blog. The SAS Birthday Bash (BB) has been a big hit and I am thrilled beyond words. The first thing I want to do today is to thank everyone for the help and support that they have given to the BB. When we started planning the BB I was little worried because we had so many activity and freebie ideas that it seemed like it might be too much to pull off. Besides the initial slow down and a few glitches with the Designer contest things have gone so well (knock on wood) that I can hardly believe it. None of this could have happened without the great team that we have at SAS. I am so proud of everyone, the designers the support staff, the CT, members, everyone! Something this big takes a lot of coordination and effort, everyone that was asked to take something on jumped right in and worked hard to make it happen. You can be sure that this will be a yearly event.
The main glitch that we had, the slowdown was a real pain for a while but SAS members were so supportive that it took the edge off of my panic (yes, I was frantic for awhile) enough that I was able to focus and get it taken care of. I hired a Webmaster and he made suggestions and I implemented the ones that I was capable of doing and that has helped a lot. I am looking to the future of SAS and I want to make sure that we have room to grow so we will probably add an “addition” to our home by moving the forum and gallery sometime soon.
We are on day 17 of the Download a Day, to help speed up the site we moved those downloads off the server and you can get the direct links to the DAD in the store under SAS Gifts. If you are just now starting the DAD you will still be getting a huge kit so go check it out.
We are in the second round of our Next SAS-y Lady contest. The first round theme was “Our Heroes,” the kits that the contestants made contained elements that could be used to honor heroes, from military to firefighters. These kits are available for download in the Next Designer Contest
Week 1 gallery. The week 2 challenge was making a kit around a color palette and the contestants did an awesome job, you can download the kits from the week 2 gallery. After downloading them please take the time to vote on your favorites, since it can be tough to choose just one from so many great kits you can choose up to three, the poll is
here. The round 3 theme will be posted on Thursday.
We are also hosting a Member Mega Kit. So far we have some beautiful additions, I hope that this will become the largest digital kit ever made but that will be up to SAS members. If you would like to try your hand at designing you can find the palette
here and you can download the kits
here. Our Post the Most contest is heating up, the winner of this contest gets over $200 worth of SAS products of their choice.
If you have not been to the site since the first of the month you will be surprised, we redecorated. Sherah of Skrapper Digitals designed the most beautiful header I have ever seen. We are still trying to decide what the final colors will be for the site and you can vote on that
here. As soon as we pick the colors we will start a Blinkie contest, you can find information about that and all of the other activities in the SAS-y Birthday Bash forum or in the newsletter link below.
We released the September SAS Mega kit today and if you are looking for things that go bump in the night this kit is for you. This
Halloween themed kit has 95 elements and 65 papers, the regular price is $8.95 but it is on sale for $5.95 until the next mega kit comes out. I have a sampler of the kit below. BTW many of the mega kit are on sale during our BB this month. The
SAS newsletter came out today and you can download it as a PDF or read it on-line. There are lots and lots of specials along with some newsletter only freebies. Lori has previews of the Designer contest kits along with layouts from the first week’s round and the DAD. Well, if you have not checked out our Birthday Bash I hope that you will come by for the last 2 weeks of the party and help us ROCK the digital world. Thanks and Enjoy!
SAS Download a Day

SAS Halloween Mega Kit

SAS Mega kit Free Sampler

Download Halloween Mega Kit Freebie Link 1
HereDownload Halloween Mega Kit Freebie Link 2