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Showing posts with label Party time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Party time. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2013

Capri's 1st Birthday & Dedication

sweet Lovie!  I am certain that with each child, their first year goes faster!  Enjoy a glimpse into our day together:

The children's little creation for her! 

 of course we drank Capri Suns!

As per tradition we had her dedicated in our backyard under the gazebo we were married in.  It's very symbolic and special to our family and we so appreciated our Pastor and his wife for taking the time to lead us and bless us.  It was beautiful. 



 the menu:
kettle corn
animal crackers
chocolate chip cookies
smores cupcakes
Grammy's blueberry delight
fresh fruit



just a few of her guests!  So much LOVE! 
  two of the sweetest Annie's I know!  Capri loves to be with at Grammy's house, (who wouldn't with the way she loves on you and feeds you such yummy food)!

Grandma always says they get thirsty for water when they're little, (and that they can drink from a regular cup long before you think they can)!

Celebrating life is very important business in my opinion.
Balloon release to end our time together! 

(Paisley accidently let go of hers before the others had and was very upset about it, captured so nicely here. Bless)! 


"Babies are such a nice way to start people."
  ~Don Herrold~
*1st year timeline via Target, (did you know you can print directly from your FB account if you have one)?  Very handy.
*Pinwheels and name banner via PaperPoloroid, (and because she's an awesome friend she let me borrow that darling Elliephant as well).
*Custom banner and matching stickers, (envelope seals) from Vistaprint

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Paisley's Fancy Tea Party!

It was so much fun preparing for Paisley's party this year.
She wanted a "fancy tea pawtee" so we went all out with what we had.
If you're going to own a bunch of tea cups you may as well make good use of them!  

We used the white banners left over from this party
Basically just computer paper cut into triangles and stapled onto ribbon.

All the flowers came from my Mother's backyard!
We placed them in small assorted jars down the center of the table. 

Luke making the chocolate covered strawberries.
He was very good at it once I got him started!
He's so precise.  Just like his Daddy. 

Pinwheels from Paper Polaroid. 

  Grammy made the delicious cupcakes. 
Thank you so much Grammy!  They are the BEST and made with such love!

Our sweet Mother's, Annie and Naomi, whom our girls are named after. 

The dresses were a gift from our neighbor Ms. Sandy. 
She came over the night before the party with them in hand, (and matching headbands).
It was an unexpected and lovely surprise.

Paisley and I made name cards for each guest with old buttons and lace. 

Two of my nieces came over to paint the little girl's fingernails.
It was so sweet. Thank you Sami and Kylie for making them feel so special!


We sang "God is great" before we ate.
The sound of all those precious little voices was heavenly. 

Luke and Tyler were excited to help serve and did a wonderful job. 
Luke was all set. He dressed himself and had his apron on, freshly sharpened pencil 
and tablet in hand! 

My nephew wore this adorable hand-sewn suit that he had previously worn as a ring bearer. 

the party favors.

sleeping beauty tuckered out! 

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. 

There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

~Dr. Suess~