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Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lovie's Nursery Reveal. xoxo.

I put the finishing touches on it this afternoon. 


 my little helpers. there wasn't much they could do "wrong" as I was priming the entire room white, so I just let them help. 

Here is my pinterest board that held my inspirations. 
Love pinterest.  This was the first picture that started it all!

the fabrics and paint.

The reveal. xoxo.

It is quite a small room, approx. 8 x 10, but that doesn't have to keep you from loving the space you're in! This is my favorite room in the house right now!  Such a peaceful, happy place. 

Some of the pillows were made by Jake's Mom, Grammie.
the blanket by our sweet babysitter, Kaelin. 

Crazy doll that had to come home with me from "home goods".
ended up being part of the inspiration for the room. 

beautiful handmade curtains by grammie. xoxo. 

figured this verse was quite applicable as before i know it i'll be awake day and night. 

my friend jeane' so kindly gave me this vintage rubbing alcohol bottle. it will be used and loved. 

 that picture was made by my sweet friend and neighbor jessica, a very meaningful birthday gift.  the old creamer was jake's grandmother's. 

we love you so much and don't even know you! 

found that vintage clock last weekend. 
it glows.
it was ugly brown. 
now it is bright blue. 

essential "i'm settled in" supplies. 

 the pillow fabric, another handmade creation by grammie. 

Paisley and the baby will share a closet. 

wrapping paper i liked from target. 
lined the back of the shelves with it. 

one of the final touches found this afternoon.
i'd been searching for the right one and found it here
for free. 
wuvs it. 


sharpie meets glass. 
who knew permanent marker could do such great things?

vintage chevron blanket found at a garage sale. 

first baths. 
each of our babies had their first baths in this tub. 

and lastly, the delicious pictures my friend michelle took of this nursery....she's getting together a new line of stationery and photos to sell on her etsy shop.  you simply must check out the way she captured Lovie's room, here you go!  EYE CANDY!!   

and so we wait. 
we wonder. 
we pray. 
we hope. 
and we love. 

37 weeks. 

"Where thou art-
 is Home."  
~Emily Dickinson~

Saturday, May 5, 2012

little touches around home.

I use to clean one house a week, (besides my own), I did this for years and it's been a great little side job.  However, with my ever growing body, it's become increasingly difficult so I decided to stop working and it's been the greatest decision I've made....not to mention how GRATEFUL I am that I have that OPTION, to stay home full-time.  

There's been a bit more energy to "spare" without my extra work load, I forgot how nice it was to not have any plans all.week.long.  To wake up each morning knowing that no one, (OUTSIDE MY HOME) expects anything of me or needs me.  It's great!  Of course, there's all kinds of expectations and needs right within our four walls, but I signed up for those!  :)  I told Jake the other day the 3 words I hear the most each day are, "Mom, I'm hungry!"   

Here's a little peek into some 
touches around home....

Bedside blossoms. 
Lily of the Valley is one of my favorite flowers, 
sometimes at night I will hold that little vase right up to my nose and just breathe it in....

My friend Angie found some vintage aprons at goodwill thought of me, (love my friends so much)!  The collection grows on....and is used daily.  I like to match my apron to what I'm wearing that day.  The baskets were treasures found at my favorite local thrift store.  My brother delivered some fresh oranges from California and my Mom dropped off some strawberry jelly she made for us, all on the same day.  xoxo. feelin' the LOVE for sure.  The thankfulness I have for my family overwhelms me at times.  We have SO MUCH when we have someone to love and someone that loves us!  Community. 

 I present to you the disappearing toe act!

Doves built a nest in our kitchen flowerbox!
It's been so special watching these mates-for-life build their little home.  The daddy dove would bring twigs to his lady and put them in her mouth and then she would position them around herself.  They don't seemed too bothered by me opening and closing the window, doing the dishes right inside or yelling out at the kids.  We just stand there and stare at each other, both waiting on our babies to arrive and I'll admit I talk to her, feel kind of a bond with her as she makes her nest cozy and I do the same.  Her name is Dovie.  It's the place I spend most of my time, that ninety degree  corner that consists of my sink/stove/countertop so it's nice to have "company."  Yes, I talk to birds.  Lock me up. There are 2 eggs there so far, she lays them at night.  Yesterday the Daddy dove was sitting there for most of the day/night.  Jake said the Mama dove was out shopping all day!  hahaha!

This is not my house. 
However, I am quite inspired by what I see. 
I'd like to get our kitchen table painted cream or white, but not sure if that's going to be a mistake.  I love the mix-matched chairs the most. 

Lovie's nursery is on it's way to completion!  
Can hardly wait to share it with you. 
Here's Jake assembling the vintage Jenny Lind crib we found on craigslist.  It was blue, but I spray painted it yellow....more details with the full reveal.  Bless his heart, crib assembly can make you cuss or scream, neither of which took place, (he's got way more patience then I do). On the right is the bookshelf that I lined with wrapping paper found at Target.  Love the pattern and color. 

Found just what I was looking for at a garage sale.  This little side table.  A sweet old man loaded it in my truck telling me about how he had built it.  I noticed his hands, so strong and weathered.  It was $3.  The crates were also at his sale, $2 for the small "cooper" one and $3 for the large "Pepsi" one.  The lamp shade was also from a yard sale.  Sweet ruffles. Ok, I'm getting too detailed for this post....moving on. 

The over-the-crib collage. 
This room is quickly becoming one of my favorites in the house. 
Cannot wait to bring LIFE into it.....
33 weeks today!!!! <------ That's a link to my favorite week-by-week pregnancy site. Feeling wonderful, but tiring easily.  I've been experiencing some numbness in my left arm/wrist lately which was concerning until I read this.  When I sleep, I don't think I really body is still working 'round the clock to grow this sweet baby.  I've been waking up the past week and literally feeling like I've grown in my sleep, (which has been confirmed by those that see me each week)!  I see their expressions and hear their words, "you've popped"!  GROW BABY GROW!!!  no complaints here!  

"Optimist: someone who isn't sure whether life is a tragedy or a comedy but is tickled silly just to be in the play."  
~Robert Brault~