Totally missed posting yesterday! Went to the hand-quilting class yesterday morning. Lots of fun! There were 8 or 9 of us plus the teacher. It was very informal. (just the way I like it) She showed us a lot of different types of 'tools' (thimbles etc) and let us try them out to see which we preferred, then she showed us the basics of hand quilting. Still lots to learn but I think I have the basic 'rocking' motion down, just need lots (and lots!) of practice and I may never get the hang of loading the needle, but it was fun.

Thought I would show you a pic of my little garden house with the lights on. I took this the other day just as they came on. It wasn't quite dark yet, but you can see them. I need to find a string of actual outdoor lights to put in there. I can see the lights through the window from my stitching chair that I showed you the other day. Love it!
Do you have those projects on your list that just keep getting bumped for whatever reason? Well I've had one that has been getting bumped for nearly 3 years. There have been many reasons for bumping, not the least of which is that it is not going to be a quick one. I tend to get grumpy about the third day of a project, especially if the end is still not in sight. Problem now is that I'm getting grumpy that this project hasn't even been started and it is the first thing that went on the list when we looked at this house. The time has come to paint the kitchen cabinets. I was hoping to have hubby take off work and help me but at this point that can't happen for at least another 3 weeks and I'm tired of waiting so I'm going to get started by myself. There are parts of it I just can't do myself. There are power tools involved and while I admire all you DIY women that pull out the power tools yourself and go for it, I'm just not that confident to do some of it without some help from the hubby so I'm going to get started on the painting part - that I can do by myself. (this is not a huge kitchen make-over, just paint, building and installing one shelf and some bead board paneling) I'm not sure how long this project is going to take (way longer than the week I was hoping, I'm sure) but I'm going for it. I may be scarce the next couple of weeks but I'll try to get at least a couple of posts in - I'll have to take a break now and then if for no other reason than letting paint dry! (I hate waiting for paint to dry!) Of course, there are several other things on the calendar that will mean some days will just not see any progress.
I figure if I am going to be grumpy anyway, it might as well be while it is in progress rather than just waiting to get started. It will never get finished if it doesn't get started! Wish me luck!
Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!