This is the last trip post! If you go back
here you can see what we looked like when we started out.

Just keep cramming it in - surely we can make it all fit

Remember, we had already off-loaded a smaller cooler and a stroller that we had in here when we left Texas.

OOPS! No way this was going to make it in there. I think we spent about an hour trying to get everything in (where is Timothy when you need him?) Sandra had packed her bags where she wouldn't need anything out of this one before getting home, so this bag and what was left of that case of water came back to Texas in the other car.

We stopped at a couple of quilt shops on the way home - this was the only one I took a picture of. It is Old Trinity Schoolhouse Quilt Shop in Troutville, VA.

This was the view from the parking lot.
I looked this up to make sure I had the right shop name with the picture, and I'm sad to say this store is closing. They didn't mention a word about closing when we were there just a few weeks ago.

We saw several of these old barns with quilts painted on them

We actually turned around and went back the other way so we could get a picture of this one - we would see them but not be able to get pictures so Sandra just turned our buggy around this time! There are several
quilt trails in the northeast.
Now for the loot!

3 blue Ball jars and two pink Fiesta cups

I saw this hanging in the antique store (it isn't old, but I think it must be a local artist - I would tell you his name but that would mean going downstairs) Anyway - since I live in a yellow two-story with a red door, I just had to have it. The title is 'White Picket Fence'. If only I could have one.

Several plates - most likely destined for a flower bed.

These baskets were made by local people - they are signed and dated on the bottom.

found this little 'bowl' at the shop that had the museum upstairs - it is supposed to me a mini casserole cozy I think, but I thought it would be perfect by my stitching chair

ummm - it is much fuller than this now!

And here is my fabric stash! Some patterns, lots of fat quarters - they are addicting! I did get all the fabric for one quilt - that will be my PA quilt.

I found an old (ugly!) frame in the closet that just happened to be the right size for this so I painted it up and have this hanging in the entry. (I forgot to take a before pic of the frame - just take my word for it when I say it looks much better!)
Okay - that's all folks. When we first started talking about the trip it seemed so far away and now it nearly a month in the past.
Hope you weren't too bored with all the trip pictures!