A few weeks ago, I showed you the desk I repainted and put in the game room. It needed a lamp but when I went to Home Goods that week, I struck out. (which is odd, because I usually have to talk myself out of buying lamps I don't need when I go in there)
Anyway - last week I went in and found this lamp for the desk.

(Ignore the fugly beige walls behind - the paint roller hasn't made it upstairs yet)
I couldn't believe this lamp was only 19.99 - including the shade!

So, I bought this one too. (slightly different, but also 19.99) because this table really needed a bigger lamp.

Ignore the ugly table - I'm either going to have to paint it or get rid of it, but I haven't got that far yet. Anyway - this is the lamp that was on that table - too small, right? You can't see them in this picture, but that lamp is on top of three books so it is smaller than it looks. The new one is much better. So, what do I do with this little lamp?

I move it over and replace this little silver lamp that is on the table at the top of the stairs.

I didn't notice the tape measure in the mirror until I had downloaded the pics to the computer. Now I need a new home for the little silver lamp - so I took it downstairs.

And replaced this one that was on the chest of drawers in the master bedroom. I recently changed the mirror above this chest and thought this lamp now looked too small. (I've also been wanting to paint that chest but wasn't sure what color - now that I have the mirror hanging there - white it is!) More about where the other mirror went later.

Now the little silver lamp is at home on the chest.

Wanna see what the little cross stitch says?
The lamp that was here got moved to another table - I forgot to take a picture of that one.
Here is where I tell you that the lamp that started this whole thing is no longer on the desk. It is still in the room, but after we moved all the furniture around in there, I needed a lamp on the other side of the room (more about that later too). I was hoping they might still have one of the black lamps at Home Goods, but of course they didn't. They did have a whole new group of lamps but I resisted and came home empty handed. They are killing me with the lamps! I want to change lamps on a weekly basis! The desk is not empty, but I don't know if that is the lamp that will stay or not - only time will tell! (it is one I already had, but not shown in any of these pictures.)
Have a great weekend.