Stock in those two areas should have made a great leap last week - I even considered buying some! Fortunately I seem to be done with the kleenex for now and the coughing is better. I still have that dry scratchy throat, but at least I don't feel like I'm going to cough up a lung.
So, as you can imagine, I don't have much new to show. Maybe this will be the last 'attic treasure' post. :) If not for these treasures, I might not have any pictures at all!
This is the press plate from the newspaper when the oldest did his Eagle Scout project. It has been rolled up in the attic all this time but hubby wanted me to frame it, so I did. Really hard to get a picture of tin with glass on it and have it come out well! It looks wavy, but it is an illusion!

The picture is of the scouts working in the city park to repair and paint benches. If you look at the story in the upper right corner, you will see that this was the same weekend that Princess Diana died.
The other thing we found in the attic was a total surprise and probably one of the best things. Information. Hubby was going through a box of stuff he had brought over after his dad passed away in 2000 and found a piece of paper his dad had written on all wadded up in there. When he opened it to read it it was about his grandfather (hubby's great grandfather) being born in Czechoslovakia in 1858. He was two when he came to the US with his parents and they settled in Michigan. He went to the University of Michigan and could read and write seven different languages. After college he and some of his siblings moved to Nebraska (I don't know how many siblings he had) He married sometime around 1182-1885 and had 7 children. Hubby's grandfather was born in 1892 and married in 1919. FIL was born in 1920 and his sister was born in 1928. Their mother died in 1929 and his father married again in 1934. That is where he stopped writing. I hope, somewhere, there is more information that we will come across. We have one picture of hubby's grandfather and I'm hoping to come across more when the time comes to clean out his mother's house (she is living with his sister and her house is on the market) I would love to have a picture of hubby's grandmother, but I don't know if one exists. His grandfather had passed away years before I met hubby but his (step) grandmother was still living and I met her once before she passed away. She lived in Iowa (where hubby's aunt still lives) and we took a trip up there about 20 years ago to visit. There is a lot of corn in Iowa.
I did get a little stitching done - I started the ornament for the exchange over again because I made a major counting error. I'm stitching with a dark thread on light fabric so I didn't want to take it out - I'll fudge on it later and keep it for myself, but I want the one that I send for the exchange to be right!
I guess that is it for now.