This was the project I tackled last weekend - in between hubby's reunion stuff.
I've introduced
the beast here before. We battle every time I let it out of the closet. Well, last weekend my friend Sherry was supposed to come help me make new cushions for this chair but she got sick and didn't get to come.

There really isn't anything wrong with this chair except that the fabric screams 1994. It really hasn't bothered me as I'm not opposed to blue or pink and I've had it in the bedroom where it worked just fine - but hubby brought a chair home from his mother's (it is pretty much 'just for pretty' but that is another story for another day) so I had to move this one to the living room. if you look at the wall behind the chair, you can see that my living room is green - really green.
I had no idea when Sherry would get another chance to come over, so - I decided to tackle it myself.
This means I have to let the beast out of the closet.
First I had to cut the new foam. This was fun. After wrestling that huge (expensive!) piece of foam and an electric knife, I had my pieces cut - and foam all over the guest room. Then, I was going to do a trial run with muslin before I cut into the fabric I was planning to use for the new cushions. I really don't have a good place to spread out for a project like this so I moved the coffee table in the living room and parked my big self on the floor. In my attempt to move around I managed to sit on my pincushion. Not really a big deal if it had just had pins in it, but the needles were another story. Once wasn't enough. I thought I had made sure there were no pins or needles left in the rug but I was wrong so I ended up with another needle in the ass.
I managed to get the trial run finished - figured where I need to make changes and got the 'real thing' cut out and sewed together without sitting on the pincushion again. I made no attempt to match anything anywhere - I figured I did good to get it all going in the same direction.

It is far from perfect and I 'may' someday take it apart and try to fix some of the errors, but for now I think a nice throw draped across it will do just fine! I'm still debating painting the wood parts. Another project for another day.
Now for the movie review. I've been seeing advertisements for Mamma Mia and thought I wanted to see it. I knew hubby wouldn't want to, but after I made him feel guilty for making me see Sex and the City by myself he agreed to go. He has been moaning and groaning at the prospect ever since so I just decided to go by myself this afternoon. (I really didn't expect it to be FULL at a 1:30 showing!) Anyway - I know he wouldn't have liked it, but I did. If you are out to see an Oscar winning movie, skip it. If you want something fun with lots of laughs, then go see it! Pierce Brosnan isn't going to win a Grammy for his singing, but he looks good so do we really care if he can sing? If you go, be sure to stay for the credits!
Well - that's it for me for today.
If you haven't left a comment on the post from the 15th be sure to scroll back and leave one. I'll be drawing a winner from the comments on that post for my giveaway on Sunday!
Have a great weekend!