Remember how the front of the house looked
here? Well, the plan for Saturday was to work on the flowerbed on the right side of the porch. It was supposed to rain Saturday afternoon and it was cloudy all morning so we planned to work out there until it started raining then go get the plants so we could set them out on Sunday and then I was going to spend the rest of the day stitching. Well, it never rained on Saturday but it was cloudy all day and never got too hot, so we kept working and this is what we had at the end of the day.

And here is what we had by dark-thirty last night.

To the right of the front steps (we are one plant short here but hubby will pick that up today and plant it)

To the left of the steps

And a full view.
Hubby used some more of that brick from the
walkway out back to make a pad in front of the steps on Friday. (When it rained it splattered dirt all on the front of the steps). Then we recycled brick from what used to be a patio for the edging on the beds. Several years back we took that patio out but we saved all the rock - not really knowing what we would do with it at the them. But, after they used a jack-hammer to break it loose it was stacked out in the yard. Eventually it was moved to behind the garage. Hubby said he was tired of moving that rock! I still have lots, but there are a lot of them that are too large for edging (they are more like the one in front of the bench) so I may use them in a walkway. Anyway - all that rock was loaded and trucked (wheelbarrow) around front on Saturday.
The weather was wonderful yesterday. I think the high was like 75 and unless you were in the direct sun it wasn't hot at all (usually even at 75 the humidity makes feel so much hotter). It even got a little cool last night - it is 54 right now. Just my kind of weather - I'm trying to enjoy it because there are so few days like that here. (it is supposed to get up to 80 today and back in the 90s by the end of the week/first of next week)
I only managed to get in an hour of stitching last night but that is better than nothing! Maybe tonight will see more.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend and have a great day!