Are you frazzled? I am. So much to do, so little time! I haven't finished my shopping yet - I've started, but I am not finished. Hubby did go with me on Saturday and we got a few more taken care of. (I don't think he really likes going, but since I used to do ALL of it and still do MOST of it by myself - including deciding what to buy - it doesn't hurt for him to go at least once - I may try for twice this year and see if I can get him out again next weekend)

I stitched this advent calendar when the kids were little. Not knowing anything about finishing, I just turned the edges under and hot glued them down. A couple of years ago I took it apart and washed it but I never got around to putting it back together until after Christmas last year. No hot glue - or any kind of glue this time. Much better. The kids used to fight over who would get to take the candy off every night so we had to use the 'shift system' (hubby was a firefighter and they work on a 24/48 shift system - on 24 hours off 48 - so we used the same system with the boys). They each got assigned A, B, or C shift and that was their day to do those things they always fought over (who rides in the front seat, who takes the candy off the calendar - those kinds of things) You can't do the even/odd thing when you have three kids!

I do think about blogging every day - I just don't get around to it. See - I actually took this picture to blog about on the 5th.

I spent most of yesterday here. Can't show anything since everything Bertha and I worked on will be gifts and some of those people pop in here now and again.
I'll try to start showing some Christmas decor pictures this week. Do you like to see how other people decorate for the holidays? I do - although it usually makes me feel pretty inferior - I do still like to look. I always imagine myself doing better next year. Ha ha.