Stitch night got postponed at the last minute (we will be stitching tonight) so since I was stitching at home, I worked on the Sunday Sampler a bit. I finished the row of lazy daisy stitches - and not without a few choice words! I always end up with knots in my thread when I do those and since I'm stitching with silk, getting the knots out without ruining the thread was tricky at best. We started this sampler in 2005 at Eye Of The Needle in Mineola, Tx. I think there were about a dozen of us that started it together. Sherry Vaughan (EON owner) designed it and we got a new section at each class (classes were on the second Sunday of each month) We were all doing the same sampler, but they are all different as we each picked our own fabric and threads. One lady even did her sampler horizontal instead of vertical. Unfortunately, EON closed before we finished but after many months we managed to have a couple more classes and we now have all the sampler chart. I'm hoping we get a chance to meet again so we can see how everybody's completed sampler looks. (I'm not sure if anyone has completed yet)
This pic is of the bottom section. Not the best pic - it is still on the scroll frame. I had to frog the middle motif as it was off-center and I haven't put it back in yet. I still have the specialty stitches after some of the poem, then I'll have to decide if I want to add anything else between the flower motifs.
Sherry and I got to be great friends while she had her needlework shop in Mineola. I miss the shop, but I treasure the friendship we have. Life often gets in the way and we don't see each other as often as we would like, but we have a lunch date for tomorrow!
Off to grocery shop - fun, fun.