Shave his head, that is! Someone asked if baby boy really shaved his head - well, yes he did! I wanted to get a pic of all 4 kids while they were in this weekend, but I'm not sure they were ever all 4 in the same room together. Anyway - I snapped this one (yes, I know he looks like he as an odd growth on the side of his head, it is a magnet on the fridge behind him - it is the best one I got)He has about a months worth of growth at this point.
They brought the dogs with them - hubby took this pic, the smaller dog is Nicholas (the 'grand-dog'), the other is Autumn (our dog)I'm not sure where Squeaky was at the time this was snapped, but I'll get her when they come back in a couple of weeks. We will be dog-sitting for 2 weeks while the kids house-sit.
I did get a little stitching in, unfortunately I got a lot of frogging in too. I seem to have had a problem counting and/or following the graph this weekend! I'm working on the Second Sunday Sampler - I hope to finish it soon, but at the rate I'm frogging, I may have to add yet another date to it! (already has 2005 & 2007)