Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Wonderful World of Dixi... from My Childhood Treasures

Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops is honored to bring you the greatest pdf sewing patterns from some of the most talented independent designers in the world!  We see them everyday.  We watch their skills sharpen as they produce pattern after pattern.  The journeys that the designers embark on is nothing less than amazing.  Keeping a step-ahead of the trends and spending hours ironing out details - these "pdf-powerhouses" still maintain a family, run professional businesses, and create from their hearts.

But... who are they?  What is the life of a pattern maker really all about?  This year, Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops wants to give you a "peek" into their worlds and find out what things REALLY make them who they are, how they began, and just simple facts about what makes them unique.. AS A PERSON.

Each month, we are stepping into the worlds of the minds behind the designs!

We are excited to bring you the first of the "Wonderful World" series...
 Dixi, of My Childhood Treasures!

In February 2013, Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops happily welcomed My Childhood Treasures to the line-up!  We were excited by the classic (yet contemporary) designs, professional photos, and extensive collection that was offered.  I believe it was the Elke Dress that really won me over!  Since then, Dixi has continued to deliver chart-topping sewing patterns!  We are always happy to see what she will be working on next!

When we had the idea to do this series, I first brought it up to Dixi.  She was very responsive.  Through a couple of months of preparing - she waited... patiently.  Finally, everything fell into place.  I informed her that we had decided to take a "whimsical spin" on 20 questions.  She was more than happy to take part!  Even having no idea what these questions would have been!
She was not afraid... What a brave lady!!!

Here we go...
Welcome to The Wonderful World of Dixi:

1. How long have you been sewing and where did you learn?
I still remember so clearly the very first thing my mother taught me to sew when I was about 5. It was a little elastic waisted skirt for my beloved teddy made from a soft floral fabric. To this day I'm still convinced it is the straightest seam I have ever sewn. I sewed it with so much concentration, love and care and have been hooked on sewing ever since. 
2. Describe your sewing room/space.
It is small and well-organized (my husband might dispute the well-organized comment). Not only do I have my machines, books, patterns and fabric in the room but I have a small photography table and lights set up as well
3. Have you purchased a fabric that you loved so much you had a hard time cutting it?
Actually I have a few in my stash that I have had such a hard time cutting they are still sitting there. Every time I go to use them I put them back thinking maybe next time. I have a red and white heart print that I can’t bear to cut.

4.  Does your daughter show a desire to learn?  Have you already started teaching her?
She is only just 2 but every time I open the sewing room door she is straight in and up on the chair touching my machine. I don’t even think she even knows what it does but that fact she isn’t allowed to touch it tantalizes her even more. I can’t wait to start teaching her how to sew. Hopefully she is as passionate about it as I am.

5.   When do your best ideas come to you?
My best ideas come when I am walking along the beach or doing something relaxing. I think ideas often pop into your head when you are not trying too hard.

6. Who inspires you?
My daughter inspires me to create children’s wear.
7. How did you come up with the name "My Childhood Treasures"
I am quite sentimental about some of my childhood toys and my husband always teased me that they were “My Childhood Treasures”. So I always knew that when I created a children’s line that would be the name. 

8. Do you have any other hobbies?
Photography. I love creating photo shoots with models almost as much as I love designing the patterns. I wish I had more time for other hobbies but working and being a Mom keep me very busy.  
9. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Coffee!  Especially at the moment as my daughter is waking me up at 4am.
10. What type of music do you listen to?  What is your FAVORITE song?
I think I’m in the minority but I’m not a big music listener. But if I listen to anything it would be pop songs. Anything slow doesn’t gel with my brain. Maybe I need to relax more. (see the above point – too much coffee perhaps.)
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes. A small white fluffy dog that is one of the loves of my life. She is like having another toddler – although a little better behaved at times. She follows me from room to room and loves nothing more than making a nest for herself on my newly purchased fabric stashes and messing them up.  I think I’m too soft as I never tell her off.
12. What is your best feature?
Physical feature or character trait? If you mean physical feature then I think it would be my eyes.  Have to admit though there are a few more smile lines now. (nice way of saying wrinkles.) If you mean character trait then I would have to say my patience and loyalty. I think you have to have a little patience to be a sewer.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world - where would it be and why?
I was tossing up between Egypt to see tombs or Tanzania to see a big game park.  Either would be great if anyone wants to send me there.

14. What is your favorite beverage? 
Anything sweet!
15. What is a favorite sewing gadget that you own or WISH that you owned?
Actually it is a fairly simple one. An elastic threader. I have so many fancy machine feet and gadgets that I spent too much on and that I rarely use.  Sometimes it is the simple things that are the best for making your life easier.
16. What is your favorite color?
Pink!  I know what you’re thinking –“does she think she is 5 still?” But my mother would never buy us anything pink when we were little as she hated it (including no Barbie dolls) so now I’m obsessed with it.  I have to stop myself buying everything pink and I have to not buy my daughter everything pink so we don’t match.
17. What was your first car? How long did you drive it?
A Mazda hatchback and I didn’t drive it for more than a year before someone drove up the back of me and made a mess.
18. If you could only choose one type of food to eat for the rest of your life… what would it be?
Lasagna. Easy winner.
19. Do you sleep on your stomach, back, or side?
My side. It’s terrible for posture. Mental note – start yoga in the new year.
20. What can we expect to see new from My Childhood Treasures in 2014?
More trendy sewing patterns for children simplified for beginners. I’ve also become obsessed with swimwear after my daughter started swimming lessons a few months ago.  So watch out for some girl’s swimwear patterns.  Now if only I could find the perfect fabric..

We soooo enjoyed reading these responses!  I would have to say that I make a pretty killer lasagna and would gladly bake her one!  If only I could figure a way to get it from Kansas City to her home in Australia!  

As we anxiously await her next creations... take a peek to what she has to offer now at Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops -- 
remember the Elke Dress I mentioned earlier?
Have YOU made one yet?

The latest pattern that has been a favorite since day one....
The Colorblock Dress
It is not ALL about girls with Dixi!
She also has some great things for the little men in your life.

Fancy, fluffy, and perfect for every little special occasion you can think of! 
Weddings? Birthday? Valentine's Day?

Just because she does not stop... Recently she has introduced her first dolly pattern - perfect for American Girl / Our Generation Dolls

So which patterns do you have or NEED to add to your collection? 
We would love to hear what you enjoy most about My Childhood Treasures Patterns!  Feel free to comment below or show off your creations on our Facebook Group Page!  We would be tickled pink!

Thank you, Dixi, for sharing your Wonderful World with us!  We are looking forward to summertime now and those new swimming suit patterns you have your mind on!  Somehow I just KNOW you will find the right fabrics!  

CLICK HERE to view all items from My Childhood Treasures

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sew and Tell with the Emory Dress

Welcome back for another Sew and Tell Review!  This week, we are bringing you a look at the Emory Dress from Sew Sweet Patterns.  Ladies, if you are looking for a classic, sleeved dress to use for your Christmas sewing, you should definitely look into this one!  The pattern is available in a 12 month - 6.  I love the contrasting yoke, though you could totally use the same fabric if you wanted.  You could add some fun buttons to the back bodice to really make it POP!  There even is a great place for a sweet little monogram on the yoke.  I love a monogram on little kid's clothes  :)  The last time I used this pattern, I added a band along the bottom of the skirt using the same fabric as the yoke.  Loved it!  Sew Sweet Patterns really live up to the name!

Shannon Castle is doing the review for us today!  You can find her on Etsy at

My name is Shannon, and I have been sewing for about a year and enjoy it immensely!!!  I have my own shop called Gracie and Emma's Boutique, and I create clothing for children and adults . 
The pattern was very easy to follow.  The total time to do the dress was about 2 hours - that includes cutting it out and sewing it together. The pattern runs true to size.   I made a size 4 for my daughter so she can grow into it, but love it!!
I thought the pattern was very simple to follow!  The only thing that I did differently was to top stitch around the bodice on the front and the back.  It just gave it a nice finished look!  The only problem I ran into was I couldn't find an explanation for the placket.  I figured it out myself, but there were no measurements given for the size needed.  When printing out the pattern I had to switch to a horizontal view so that I could get all of the pattern to fit on the pages.  Other than that it was absolutely perfect, and I have already cut out another one to sew!  My daughter loves it and calls it her Princess Sofia dress :)


I love what Shannon did with this pattern!  It is such a precious little dress, perfect for church or photographs.  And you can get your own pattern here... for a discount!  Go ahead and check it out on the website, the discount won't last long!  :) 

While you are there, you might want to take a look at these gorgeous (and super fun!) zipper flowers from Indygo Junction.  I can't stop thinking about how cute one of these My Garden Zips would look right where the 2 fabrics meet on the bottom corner.  A great way to add a bit of interest to your dress for special occasions! 

If you're sewing for a younger girl, you may want to round out your outfit with a pair of these beauties!  The Magnolia Baby Ballerina Shoes from Lena's Patterns are available in sizes 0-24 months and are as cute as can be!  The best part is you can make them to perfectly match your little one's outfit.  Who can resist cute baby shoes???  Not me!!!  Take a look at all of all the shoes available from Lena's Patterns

Alright, ladies, it's time to sew!