Showing posts with label Marcie Sawyers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcie Sawyers. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Wonderful World of Marcie... with "Wonderfully Made 4 You"

 Meet Marcie Sawyers of 'Wonderfully Made 4 You'
- PDF Sewing Patterns -

(isn't she a doll!)

Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops is happy to be able to work alongside this "wonderful" designer!   Marcie brought 'Wonderfully Made 4 You' e-patterns to FF&L in April of 2013.  Three patterns are currently in her collection.  Designed for teens and ladies - these three patterns are trendy, stylish, and perfect for any and ALL occasions!  Easy to dress up, keep casual, and look fabulous in... the Gracie B. One-Shoulder, Harleigh Sundress, and Southern Charm Top - they are a MUST in all wardrobes! 

Marcie is an absolute sweetheart and a busy family-oriented woman.  She has been married for 16 years to her best friend (Travis) and homeschools their two teenage boys (John-David and Elijah) and daughter (Gracie).  The time she spends with her family is cherished! Her greatest "sanity keeper" is sewing and designing.  

As a young girl, Marcie learned to smock from her mother.  In her teen years, she began sewing on a machine.  Now...  She is embarking on a new journey of pattern making - the sewing world is sure to fall in love with her skills!  It is an absolute pleasure to bring her designs to you.

Here we go with a little 20-question fun
 all about Marcie!

1)  How long have you been sewing?

I have been sewing since I was nine... I'm now 34, so a LONG time.  ;)  I started cross-stitching at nine, then my mom taught me to smock at age eleven.  I paid for all my cheerleading fees and car with my smocking money.  :)

2) What was your first pdf pattern that you created? How long did it take you to "take the plunge"?

Gracie B.'s One Shoulder Dress was my first pdf pattern that I created.   I actually created a shorts pattern for a local boutique since I was making the shorts for their trunk shows, but haven't turned it into a pdf as of yet.  I'd say it may have taken me a few years to actually take the plunge into creating the first pdf.

3) When does inspiration find you?

Usually when I'm trying to sleep.  :)  Or, while I'm sewing and I have some time to think about things.

4) How many yards of fabric would you estimate to have in your stash?

Sadly, I'd have to say hundreds, if not into the thousands... it's my addiction!

5) What was the biggest "light bulb" moment when you were first starting out?

Hmmm, not really sure.  I know just learning how to take the drawn pattern and convert it into a pdf was challenging for me at first.

6) What is something that you can not live without (does not have to be sewing related)?

Jesus and my family, of course!  :)

7) If you could eliminate ONE thing from your daily schedule… what would it be?

Sleep... who needs sleep anyways!  ;)  Seriously, if we didn't have to sleep just think about how much we could get done.

8) Do you speak any foreign languages?

No.  I took Spanish in high school but it didn't stick.

9) Have you ever been told you look like someone famous?  Who? Do you agree?

No.  The closest I've come is a local woman saying I looked like a certain representative for the state of Alabama.  LOL

10) What is the last book that you read?

The Bible.  After homeschooling my kids all day, reading a book is the LAST thing I want to do.  LOL

11) Do you enjoy cooking? If so, What is your SIGNATURE dish that everyone craves? If not, who is the head chef in your family?

I don't mind cooking as much as cleaning up.  ;)  I always cook for Thanksgiving and everyone always requests my sweet potato casserole.  I also cook a mean squash casserole.  :)

12) How many states have you lived in?

One!  I was born in Florida, though, and lived in Alabama my entire life.  We live just 10 minutes from Florida so my mom used the hospital there.  :)

13) What is your biggest pet peeve?

This is a hard question for me.  Nothing really pops into my mind, except I do hate when people smack at the dinner table.  Chew with your mouth closed, people!  :)

14) Do you fall asleep easily or toss and turn?

Depends....I usually try to stay up until I'm about to pass out to keep from tossing and turning.  Last night I thought I'd go to bed when my family did and I found myself playing Candy Crush to make myself tired.  LOL

15) Of all of the seasons… which one do you love the most?

Fall, hands down!  I love coming out of these HOT Alabama summers into fall.  I love everything about it.......Alabama Football (ROLL TIDE), pumpkins, cooler days/nights, Thanksgiving, and getting excited about Christmas!  :)

16) Did you walk to school when you were a child?

Nope.  My mom drove me until I was 16.  There was about a two month time period in 5th grade where I meant to ride the bus with my best friend.  We decided one day to walk home from school instead of riding the bus.  Yep, you guessed it... never rode the bus again.  ;)

17) What do you love most about your home?  Is it in the city or the country?

I love that we live in the country.  I love that we built it twelve years ago and got to choose everything about it.  It was the first home my husband and I bought (we previously rented an apartment) and unless the Lord calls us elsewhere, it will probably be the last home we live in.

18) When you go into stores… do you find yourself "inspecting" things to see how they were made?

Not really.  To be honest, I'm not much of a shopper.  My kids are teens now, so they like what they like and no matter if I inspected it and thought it wasn't made well, they would still wear it.  Although, I will say my middle son is super picky!  He purchased a shirt with his own money and didn't like the way it was hemmed and asked me to fix it.  :)  It was just serged and he was really worried it wouldn't hold up after washing, so I hemmed it for him.

19) What was the last concert you attended?

We just attended the Needtobreathe concert back in November.  It was AWESOME!

20) What can the sewing world expect to see from Wonderfully Made 4 You for 2014?

You can expect to see digitized pdf patterns from me.  I am learning how to digitize.  It's a terribly slow process for me as I just don't have much time to sit down at the computer and learn the process of it.  I am updating my current pattern collection and I have several patterns in the works, for women as well as children, so you can expect to see those released this spring... fingers crossed.  :)

Well, Marcie... Let's see some of the "wonders" of your world!  We are happy to share a peek into your lovely family!  
Marcie and her husband, Travis
Lovely Daughter: Gracie
Handsome sons: John-David and Elijah

The "newest" addition: Perrito

 We look forward to seeing more, more, more!!! 
 If you have not checked out the patterns that are available now... we highly recommend it.  Especially with Spring and Summer sewing just beginning.  You will be glad you did!  If you have whipped-up any of the "Wonderfully Made 4 You" patterns - tell us all about it.  We would love to see what you have to show off!

Thank you, Marcie, for sharing your story.  We admire your family-sense and eye for design.  Keep up the great work! 

Hi there! I'm a wife of 16 yrs. to my best friend and homeschooling mom of 2 teenage boys and one tween daughter. :) When I'm not spending my time with my family I'm either sewing or designing. It's my sanity. ;) I have been sewing pretty much my entire mom taught me to smock as a child and then to sew on the machine as a teen. Now, I'm dabbling in pattern design (I have a lot to learn, but LOVE it)!   TOOK THIS FROM ETSY, SO FEEL FREE TO ALTER IT TO FIT WHATEVER YOU WERE LOOKING FOR!  :)
Gracie B. One-Shoulder Dress
(ladies sizes 0 - 22)
The Southern Charm Top
(sizes: teen/ladies 0-18)
Harleigh's Sundress
(sizes: teen/ladies 0-18)

Be sure to follow our blog!
 There are many more designers to be featured in this series.

Now... It's time to Sew Something 
"Wonderfully Made 4 You!"